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For the remainder of the quarter the labs will be focused on building up a project that will end in a competition. The first part of the quarter was spent on introducing you to wiring hardware, the ATMEL architecture, and programming an embedded system. For the remainder of the quarter we will continue to build on the material from the first part of the quarter towards a competition that will occur during the final exam time of this class. A general description of the overall project is given at the end of this lab
After this lab you should know:We are going to operate our IR communications via a serial connection but unfortunately the ATMega16 only has one UART. Therefore, you must build your IrDA interface using a multiplexer on the Atmel's serial port. Here is the schematic for the serial setup. The Multiplexer will allow switching between programming the processor and serial communication via IrDA (The boot loader will do the switching for you).
This is not a final list of requirements; we are considering adding at least one more requirement, but for right now here is the preliminary plan.
There will be 5 preliminary rounds (enough that so that every project can participate) where your team will square off between 4-5 opponents. The winners of the preliminary rounds will advance to the final round. The winners of the final round will receive a small amount of extra credit.
The basic idea of the game is to complete 2 tasks and transmit the results to our readers before your opponents. The 2 tasks to complete are
Your final project will consist of a stepper motor (controlled by the Atmel) with an IR transmitter/receiver mounted to the top. You will move the IR transmitter around and communicate with various objects. There will be 4-5 opponents placed in a configuration similar to what is shown in Figure 1 below. The competition will be started by one of the course staff giving the encryption key for the round. The encryption key must then be entered into your palm and transmitted to the Atmel via IR transmission.
Then your stepper motor must move your IrDA transmitter to try to find and communicate with two opponents. It will communicate with a protocol that will be decided by the students in the class. At the same time you are searching for other student's IR receiver your project should also being trying to get the 5-byte message from the central transmitter. The center transmitter/receiver will be provided by the course staff and will spin back and forth just shy of 360 degrees (cord problems prevent us from just spinning continuously in circles). Again the class will make up the communication protocol and its level of difficulty. There will be 15 possible request packets and only 5 of them will return bytes that make up the message. The course staff will randomly set which of the 15 possible packets that will return part of the 5-byte message.
After you have obtained 2 of your opponent's serial numbers and the 5-byte message, you must deliver them to a IR receiver that the course staff will setup for your project to communicate with. The first group to deliver the correct 5-byte message and 2 other serial numbers (encrypted and decrypted) to one of our receivers will win. The serial numbers are encrypted to provide advantages to groups with code efficiency.