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Preliminary Check-off to be done during your lab (either Tuesday December 2 or Thursday December 5). The main goal for this lab is to check on your protocol development. You will need to write some simple palm programs to demostrate to the course staff that your protocol is working. There are no UI requirements except to demostrate to the course staff that the protocol is working.
We will be checking off for the following items:
1) Your Palm interface that you use to enter your serial number and up to four option codes should be complete. You will be judged on functionality and elegance of the GUI.
2) Protocol 1 working. However, instead of communicating Atmel to Atmel, communicate Atmel to your Palm, where your Palm is emulating a Atmel.
3) Protocol 2 working. However, instead of communicating Atmel to center IR, communicate Atmel to your Palm, where your Palm is emulating the center IR.
During one of the 3 times listed below you must come into lab and demonstrate that your project works within the specs defined in the project. The center IR transeiver will be setup up and there will hopefully will be enough students around to have a final testing session. You will be graded on whether your project is close to completion (around the 90% mark). These times are not lab specific, so you may go to any of these times to get checked off.
Monday, December 9th, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday, December 10th, 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday, December 11th, 3:00 - 5:00pm
Final Competition will occur during the Final Exam time. Before the competition round starts there will be an initial round where we delay the start of the center transeiver giving everyone a chance to exchange serial numbers, then we will turn on the center IR device allowing your IR probe to finish. You will be graded not on time, but on the completetion of the tasks (ie 4 serial numbers and the 5 packet message). After this demonstration round the competition will follow.