There are two microcontrollers on our robot, therefore, both must be programmed.  Our original idea was to have communication happen between the BASIC Stamp (handling the sensory and movement) and the 8051 (handling the user-interface), but since our "high-level" user interface didn't materialize, we "dumbed" down the UI to one push button, and two LEDs.  Thus we moved the UI code to the BASIC Stamp as well.  So in our robot now, the 8051 simply outputs a message to the LCD, and goes to sleep (to never be woken up, unless reset), and the BASIC Stamp handles the rest.

The code for the BASIC Stamp is written in a language called PBASIC. The source file is maxx.bs2.

The code for the 8051 is written in assembly code (forced after trying literally hours and hours to write it in C).  The source file is lcd.asm.