Course Components and Grading
- Lecture: Attendance and participation are
expected and valued: 30 points
Everyone will participate in at least one in-class presentation: Lab
reports, final project, design specification for lab.
- HW: 1-2 Short preparatory assignments per
week. Due at beginning of next class after assigned. Hw point scale:
Turn-in = 1, Good effort = 2, Correct = 3. Total class
points: 50
- Lab: 1/week w/ independent project in last
2-3 weeks. 10pts/week (some 2 week projects may have a 1-week milestone
check-out, but no report). 100 points. Presentation
quality...neatness counts!!
- Midterms: 2 midterms, 50
points each. Open book/notes
- Final: 100 points, comprehensive,
weighted toward later material. Open book/notes