Please choose to do either a report or a project.
Proposal due 11/21
      Project: Describe the system that you wish to build. List
                    - The risk issues or concerns you have
                    - Milestones designed to address the highest risk as early as possible
                    - Minimum functionality that you are shooting for
                    - Any materials or advice that you think you will need

                    - Describe your topic
                    - List the source documents that you already know about
                    - Try to clearly scope the research question: what is included and what is not
                    - Make sure to include some industry as well as academic sources if appropriate.     

     Project: Demo and 10 minute presentation. 
                 Website with all information needed to understand and reproduce your results
     Report: Slide presentation in the form of a lecture/tutorial on the subject. 
                You should be prepared to give a short version (10-15 minutes) of your talk
                but the slides should be sufficient material for a 1 hour lecture on the subject, with examples.

Project Ideas:

Research Report Ideas: