Part 1: Music Format
CSE466 00AU Music Format
While there were several good ideas, at least two or three of you agreed with something like this:
<MUSIC> = <tempo><events>
<tempo> = one byte indicating the duration, in milliseconds, of a single
<events> = <event>*
<event> = <s><tne><chan><note><amp>
(this is a two byte packet)
<p> = always set. Indicates start of packet (see below, be careful!)
<tne> = 5-bits of time to next event, in number of timeslices (max of 32)
<chan> = 2 bits identifying the channel 0-3
<note> = 6-bits to identify note. This equivalent to 64/12 octaves, a
pretty good range. Everyone seemed to agree on that.
<amp> = 2 bits of amplitude with zero = off.
Using this format:
Another way to look at an event
I will publish the midi to cse converter this weekend so that you can put some real music into your ROM. But, it should be fairly straighforward for you to write some short test sequences.
Part 2 and 3: Psuedo Code and Timing Analysis
I was looking only for the code that you need to run in your tone generation ISR.
In my opinion, this includes that math for computing the output value, and the
time-slice count down. When the time slice count down is expired, the ISR should
change the output function parameters based on a set of "pending"
values, and it should set a flag. The pending values would then have to be
updated by the Event task if the tne countdown has expired. I'm guessing that
the ISR is about 50, in which case we need to leave 5 instructions for other
things (in the worst case), for a total of 55 instruction between
interrupts. This maximum frequency that you can run the interrupt routine
is 2.7M/55 = ~50KHz. This tells me that 10KHz to 20KHz if probably quite
feasible while leaving some processor for other tasks. Due to sampling effects,
the highest frequency that we should try to create with our system is 1/4 of the
sample frequency (max stride = 64). At 10KHz we can do 2.5KHz at 20KHz we can do
Part 4: Data Rate
Using this format, the worst case data occurs when every channel changes on
every timeslice. This case requires 2bytes/event * 4events/timeslice =
8bytes/timeslice. If we set the timeslice according to the homework: 200
slices/second * 8 = 1600 bytes * 8 = 12,800 baud. Too Fast! It looks like
we will have to run at a longer timeslice. Maybe 20ms typical. Now the worst
case is one fourth of that, or 3200 baud. Which should be sustainable for short
bursts if necessary.