Linux File System

Example: cat

          cat does this (not showing alot of stuff, like error checking, etc).

            main(argc, argv) {

                while (1) {

                    s = read(stdin, buf, 1);

                    s = write(stdout, buf, 1);


'cat < /dev/console >/dev/console' is equivalent to 'cat'

both will simply echo what you type. /dev/console is special file in the file system that has a "device driver" associated with it. When you write to this device, you are really calling a function in the device driver package. In this case, the device driver, running in kernel space, can send characters to the user's display and get them from the keyboard.


cat < dog > eat


cat < dog | cat | cat | cat

Device Drivers


    With the proper device driver, you should be able to send music to your 466 format player by using the following command:
    'cat song.466 > /dev/player466'

In class activity

write psuedo-code for a sonar device driver: The sonar device has one input, INIT and one output ECHO. The device performs a single measurement when INIT is asserted by the user. The time between the user's assertion of INIT and the devices assertion of ECHO corresponds distance. The challenge:

    Define the functions: open, read, write, close so that the device will look like a device.

You must
