1: Play a tune stored in ROM (continuous loop). Must be demonstrated on
Milestone 2: Play music streamed from the PC. Must be demonstrated by
Lab Report: Due 10/25, see below for what's required.
Okay -- the rumor was true...you have to ground OUT2 for the DAC to work properly.
Demo Lab2...you can't go on unless we see that you have a good sine wave and simple RC filter on the output of your system.
Remove the resistor pack and treat the DAC as a memory mapped device. This means you should connect \WR signal from the processor to the \WR input to the DAC, and leave the DATA pins and \CS connected as they are. Its okay if your DAC responds to any external address for now. If we add another memory mapped device later, then you may have to add some chip select logic.
The CSE466 music format won't be finally decided until Friday and I won't have the corresponding MIDI to CSE466 format converter implemented until Saturday at the earliest, and Monday at the latest, so you should probably start by working on the ISR and how the ISR will communicate with the main routine that is responsible for decoding the music format. Remember to minimize work done by the ISR without leaving out any hard time critical stuff.
How to specify that a function is an interrupt service routine in C.
How to force the C compiler to create a lookup table in ROM. Hint: don't use a switch statement in C to implement a lookup table! Use an initialized array. Yes...people tried it that way last year.
How to refer to a memory mapped device (the DAC) from
You are free to use other timer resources for this project. We will be using Timer-2 or Timer-1 for the serial interface to the PC so don't use both of those for the player. I think its quite possible to do it with just timer-0, but you might come up with a better solution using two timers.
Lab Write-up
1) Schematic (hand drawn Okay, but must be neat)
2) Worst case timing diagram2) Resource analysis
RAM, ROM, MIPS (In % of cycles used by ISR)
3) Your C code
4) Brief description of how it works
Your Lab work must be checked out by the instructor or TA before the next Lab.