Week 2 Assignment


Read two papers and complete evaluations of them both. Use the ACM Digital Library and other resources to look up the papers and discover more information about them, such as where they have been cited, supplemental materials, etc.

Reviews for the Arya & Sloan papers are due by 9:00am on January 23. You should be prepared to discuss the papers in class, as you may be called upon to do so.

Paper review format
ACM Digital Library


Paper 1
Perceptually Valid Facial Expressions for Character-Based Applications, Arya, 2009

Paper 2
A Phenomenological Study of Facial Expression Animation, Sloan, 2011

Turn In Your work will be graded as:

Work turned in after the deadline is unacceptable unless an extension has been requested and agreed upon ahead of time.

Turn in the following into Collect-It on Catalyst: