Assignment #6: Sit Part 2


Part 1: Finish Blocking

You are entering the second week of this project with all your reference, planning, and key poses done. The first thing you should do is modify your key poses from last week based on feedback given in class. Simplify where necessary. Make sure your story reads. It should also be paced well and not too long - no more than approximately 15 seconds. Add inbetweens to help define arcs, overlap, and ease-in/ease-out.

Part 2: Facial Expressions

After finishing the blocking stage your character's emotions should be clearly communicated through the body. The next step is to put the icing on the cake and add facial expressions. Run the following script to unlock the face rig:

setAttr -k 0 -l 0 -cb 1 |Basic_Guy|BG_world.FaceRig_Vis;

Now turn on the face rig visibility and set face poses for each stepped keyframe where the rest of the body is posed.

Part 3: Splining and Polish

As a final step, go through your whole animation and set keyframes to spline and then adjust the tangents to create the desired interpolation. You may choose to do this all at once or pose by pose depending on your preference. Keep scrolling through your animation and check to make sure poses don't accidentally overshoot their mark. Make sure that feet don't slide on the ground by setting interpolation type to flat where necessary. Avoid breaking tangents or using linear interpolation which can result in visible pops in the animation - instead you can set extra keyframes on individual channels or controls to create sharp movements.

Check out this example of splining.

As always, you are encouraged to get feedback along the way from both the TAs and to your fellow animators.

Turn-in Checklist: