Computer Science / Electrical Engineering 461: Computer Networks
Instructors: Eric Hoffman and Neil Spring
Office: Sieg 226D, Wednesday 12-1:00 (Neil) Thursday 1-2:00 (Eric)
TA: Adam MacBeth
TA Office Hours: Sieg 226B, Tuesday 9-10:00 AM.
Course Web:
Mailing List: Send mail to
with the contents subscribe cse461 as soon as possible.
Textbook: An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking,
by Srinivsan Keshav
Course Description: This course covers the basics
of networking, ranging from the electrical signals on wires
to high level transport protocols with congestion control.
We will cover framing, error correction, switching fabrics,
queuing, addressing, packet and circuit switching,
forwarding, routing, collision detection, ethernet,
IP, distance vector and link state routing, signalling,
differential services, transport protocols, congestion
control, TCP mechanisms, unreliable transports, caching,
remote procedure call, security and authentication, and
multicast communication.
Homework: There will be four homeworks, each worth
5% of your grade.
Homeworks will be due at the end of class on:
Friday, October 8 |
Friday, October 15 |
Friday, November 12 |
Wednesday, November 24 |
Project: Your project will add forwarding, routing,
transport, and congestion control to a virtual network.
There are four components to the project, each worth 10% of your grade. The project assignments must be turned in before the class meets. Don't put them off until the last minute: they get progressively harder.
The goal of these projects is for you to understand the complexity behind some of the fundamental networking algorithms. You will work in pairs, so find a partner whose strengths complement yours.
Project deadlines are:
Friday, October 22 |
Friday, November 5 |
Friday, November 19 |
Wednesday, December 8 |
Midterm: There will be one midterm, Friday,
October 29. It will be held in class, and is worth 15%
of your grade.
Final: There will also be a comprehensive final,
worth 25% of your grade. (around 5% on the first half
of the quarter, 20% on the rest) The final will be held
at 2:30-4:20 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1999.
Grading Summary:
4 Project Assigments | 40% |
Final | 25% |
4 Homeworks | 20% |
Midterm | 15% |
Late Policy: For homeworks, you may turn in the
homework on the monday following the homework due date,
only once during the quarter. For example, if you turn in
your first homework late, no further late homeworks will
be accepted. Homework will be due at the end of class.
Once we leave, it's late.
For project assignments, 20% of your credit will be reduced per day it is late. Plan ahead.
Cheating Policy: The most authoritative description
of the department's cheating policy seems to be kept at:
We believe in the Gilligan's Island / E.R. rule. Please
read Professor Ruzzo's description carefully if in doubt.
We also agree with Professor Diorio's description at