$ ./run cse461.cs.washington.edu 46105 regServerIP = thisHostIP = Enter r(egister), u(nregister), f(etch), p(robe), or q(uit): r [2019-01-09 10:59:16] Timed out waiting for reply to REGISTER message [2019-01-09 10:59:19] Timed out waiting for reply to REGISTER message [2019-01-09 10:59:23] Timed out waiting for reply to REGISTER message [2019-01-09 10:59:23] Sent 3 REGISTER messages but got no reply. Registration failed Enter r(egister), u(nregister), f(etch), p(robe), or q(uit): u [2019-01-09 10:59:29] Timed out waiting for reply to UNREGISTER message [2019-01-09 10:59:33] Timed out waiting for reply to UNREGISTER message [2019-01-09 10:59:36] Timed out waiting for reply to UNREGISTER message [2019-01-09 10:59:36] Sent 3 UNREGISTER messages but got no reply. Enter r(egister), u(nregister), f(etch), p(robe), or q(uit): f [2019-01-09 10:59:42] Timed out waiting for reply to FETCH message [2019-01-09 10:59:46] Timed out waiting for reply to FETCH message [2019-01-09 10:59:49] Timed out waiting for reply to FETCH message [2019-01-09 10:59:49] Sent 3 FETCH messages but got no reply. No entries were fetched Enter r(egister), u(nregister), f(etch), p(robe), or q(uit): p [2019-01-09 11:00:11] Timed out waiting for reply to PROBE message [2019-01-09 11:00:14] Timed out waiting for reply to PROBE message [2019-01-09 11:00:18] Timed out waiting for reply to PROBE message [2019-01-09 11:00:18] Sent 3 PROBE messages but got no reply. Probe failed Enter r(egister), u(nregister), f(etch), p(robe), or q(uit): q $