Project 4: Tor61
Out: Monday, May 14
Due: Friday, June 1, 11 PM
Turnin: Online
Teams: Teams of 2 or 3
Grading: Out of 18 points
You'll implement a simplified version of Tor.
Tor is an overlay
network whose goal is to provide anonymity. When used to carry
browser traffic, Tor makes it very difficult to determine which sites
the user is visiting by looking at packets carried by the Tor network,
or to determine who is visiting a site by looking at the traffic
between the Tor network and the site. Tor works by routing traffic
from the browser through a number of Tor router nodes before sending
it to the web server. Pairs of routers communicate over TCP
connections, so at each hop of the route the source IP addresses in
packets name the source Tor router of that hop. Encryption is used to
hide both the browser's and the web server's IP addresses, so that not
even the Tor routers can make an association between the browser and
the site it is visiting.
(Additional Tor references are given in Appendix D.)
Tor61 is an overlay network whose architecture and protocol is based
on Tor. The main simplification in Tor61 is that no encryption is
used. That substantially reduces the kinds of anonymity attacks that
it can defend against, compared with Tor. But, it's still the case
that most Tor61 routers carrying a browser's traffic, as well as the
web site, cannot determine the IP address of the browser.
Additionally, while Tor61 carries general TCP traffic, we provide a
protocol converter only for HTTP, and our only intended client
application is a browser.
This project will provide a number of challenges:
- The Tor61 architecture may take a bit of effort to understand.
Translating that architecture into code can be even more challenging.
Careful design and planning will probably be more important than
you're accustomed to.
- Tor61 is inherently distributed, in a manner more complicated
than client-server. Debugging can be frustrating. Writing
debugging/monitoring/logging code is probably essential, even though
that code is not part of the assignment requirements.
- Ultimately all of our implementations need to inter-operate.
Distinctions among the implementations (e.g., different timeout
values) can cause two implementations that work fine on their own to
fail when they try to inter-operate.
- Our ideal goal is to bring up an instance of each team's Tor61
router and leave it up, for weeks. Writing code that stays up for
weeks is harder than code that can handle a few requests.
Tor61 Architecture Overview
A Tor61 network consists of a set of Tor61 router nodes, shown in the figure below in blue.
When a router comes up, it contacts a registration service to register itself and to fetch
the IP:port addresses of other (hopefully) online routers. Each router creates a Tor61 circuit,
a random path through the Tor61 routers. Together, the three blue lines in the figure below represent the
circuit created by router 3. Each individual link is a TCP connection between a pair
of routers. The routers speak to each other using the Tor61 protocol (described
in a bit), which is carried over the TCP links.
Tor61 routers also act as HTTP proxies. A browser's HTTP request is routed over the Tor61 circuit
created by the router acting as the browser's proxy. That router (3 in the figure above)
issues the Tor61 protocol packets that carry the HTTP request to the router at the other end
of the circuit (1, in the figure), which reconstructs it as an HTTP stream and passes it
over a TCP connection to a web server.
The response from the web server to the browser is carried back using the same process.
Each HTTP request creates a Tor61 stream. Logically, a stream is a TCP connection
between a browser and a web server that has been cut in the middle and had a Tor61 circuit
spliced in. In the figure we show two streams, representing two requests issued by two
distinct browsers and going to two distinct web servers, but concurrent HTTP requests by a single
browser would also create multiple streams, whether or not they go to distinct web servers.
Note that both streams in our figure are carried over the same Tor61 circuit. This means that a single
TCP connection between Tor61 routers is carrying Tor61 protocol cells for possibly
many different streams at once. When those cells reach their destination (say, router 1), they
must be demultiplexed - unentangled and delivered to their appropriate end point, one of the two
web servers. Similarly, the two streams of web server responses are carried over the same circuit,
and so the same TCP connections, and their originally distinct traffic, must be multiplexed
onto the circuit and then demultiplexed for delivery to the correct browser.
As well as multiplexing streams on circuits, Tor61 multiplexes circuits on TCP connections.
Each pair of routers creates at most one TCP connection connecting them.
If two or more circuits include that pair of routers as a hop, those circuits share
that TCP connection.
For example,
it's not shown in our figure, but suppose that router 10 has created the circuit
whose path is routers 10, 2, 3, and 7.
In that case, the circuits for routers 3 and 10 share the TCP connection between
routers 3 and 7; i.e., that one TCP connection multiplexes the traffic of both circuits.
Tor61 Cells
Tor61 routers communicate using cells, which are fixed-length packets. Tor61 cells are always
512 bytes long. If some cell doesn't require 512 bytes, it is padded (with zeroes, say) to be exactly
512 bytes. If some data needs to be moved and is longer than 512 bytes, it is sent in a sequence of cells.
Fixed-length cells are important to Tor for anonymity preservation. We maintain them in Tor61 because
they simplify demultiplexing of incoming data: we know that each cell is a consecutive chunk of 512
bytes, so we don't have to parse the incoming TCP stream to break it up into cells.
There are basically two types of Tor61 cells, distinguished by their destination on the circuit.
Control cells have the next hop router as the destination. Relay cells have the
router at the end of the circuit as their destination.
Both control and relay cells are used to create the circuit.
Relay cells are used to carry data between the browser and web server.
Control cells contain (minimally) a circuit number and a cell type field.
Relay cells contain additionally a stream number and a relay cell type field.
Cell Formats
All cells are 512 bytes long. Sufficient padding is added to the end, if necessary.
The contents of the padding are irrelevant to the encoding.
All cells begin with a common header consisting of a two-byte circuit id value
and a one-byte unsigned integer cell type number.
All multi-byte numeric values are in network order.
We do not show the padding required to bring the cells up to 512 bytes.
Cell formats and use are, for the most part, identical to those in Tor,
so Tor documentation may provide
additional useful information. The primary changes are the addition of some
cell types (Open, Opened, Open Failed, Create Failed, Relay Begin Failed, and
Relay Extend Failed), which helps simplify cell processing. Additionally,
we include but do not use the digest field of the Relay cell header, which in
Tor is a cryptographic message digest used to ensure end-to-end integrity of the data stream.
When one agent (the opener) opens a TCP connection to another (the opened),
it must immediately send an Open cell to identify the participants
on that connection. Successful response is an Opened cell;
failure response is a Open Failed cell.
This response indicates that the opened agent accepts the newly opened connection.
Note that the cell contents are identical to the Open to which it responds,
except for the cell type header field.
Failure response to an Open cell.
Note that the cell contents are identical to the Open to which it responds,
except for the cell type header field.
Requests establishment of a new circuit, with id given by the header field value.
Success response is a Created cell; failure is a Create Failed.
Success response to a Create cell.
Failure response to a Create cell.
Requests teardown of the circuit whose id is given by the header field value.
There is no response.
A Relay cell encapsulates a number of distinct types of subcells.
We show in the diagram the header for the subcells, shared by all the
Relay subcell types.
Some of those types carry additional data in the body field.
The relay cmd field identifies the type of the subcell.
The subcell types are:
Circuits & Routing
At the highest level, Tor61 routing works like this:
- First, establish a circuit - a path through the Tor61 routers.
As part of this, each router on the path maintains a routing table that
tells it what to do with cells that arrive on particular circuits.
For instance, router 7 in the figure above would have a routing table entry
indicating that cells on the circuit sourced by router 3 should be sent to router 51.
- Now create a stream on that circuit. A stream connects
a browser with a web server, and is associated with a single circuit.
- Now carry traffic from between the browser and the server by
encapsulating the data stream in Tor61 Relay Data cells.
Each cell carrying data contains a circuit number and a stream number.
The routers use the circuit number to look up what to do with the cell in the
routing table.
The endpoint routers use the stream number to determine which browser or
web server TCP connection to send the cells data on.
That's the general idea: once the circuit is established,
cells carry the circuit ID, rather than an explicit destination address,
and routing uses the circuit ID to look up an entry in a routing table.
For this to work exactly as described, all circuits,
everywhere in the Tor61 network, must have unique identifiers.
Arranging for that is very hard. It would be very expensive (in terms of performance) to have all
nodes agree on who gets to use circuit number 7, say. It's much easier if we can allow each router
to pick its own circuit numbers, and it turns out we can. (One way would be to statically partition
the circuit number space and give each router a unique subrange of circuit numbers. That would work,
but isn't very flexible, so we use another approach, the one used by Tor.)
The key is to realize that circuit numbers don't have to be globally
unique; we require just uniqueness on each hop. In the figure above,
the blue circuit could have number 10 on the 3-7 hop, and number 21 on
the 7-51 hop, and number 12 on the 51-1 hop, so long as no other
circuit uses those numbers on those hops. Router 7's routing table
would now say "If I get a cell from router 3 on circuit 10, I should
forward it to router 51 and change its circuit number to 21."
A circuit is created like this:
- The "source router" picks a next router at random. If it has an
existing Tor61 connection with that router, it uses it. Otherwise, it
opens a TCP connection and sends an Open cell. If successful, an
Opened cell should be received within a timeout interval. It has now
established a Tor61 connection with the other router (and vice versa).
- The source router picks a circuit number, C,
for the new circuit that is unique between the source router and
the next hop router. It sends a Create cell with C
as the circuit number in the header. If successful, a Created cell
is returned.
- To extend the route by one hop, the source router sends a Relay Extend cell
on circuit C.
That cell contains as data the ip address and port of the desired next hop router to which the circuit should be extended. The last router on the current circuit processes the Relay Extend:
- If it has a Tor61 connection to the target next router, it uses it.
Otherwise, it creates one (opens a TCP connection and goes through the
Open/Opened protocol).
- It now chooses a circuit number, C', that has not been used on the
connection between it and the new target router,
and sends a Create cell with circuit C' on it. If it gets back a Created cell, it enters in
its routing table an entry that says "Cells received on circuit C from the source router should be forwarded
to the next hop router on circuit C'" and sends a Relay Extended cell back to the source router.
- The source router repeats the Relay Extend protocol for each additional
hop it wishes to add to the circuit. If an extend fails for some target, it eliminates
it from the set of potentially useful routers and continues trying to find a router
to which the circuit can be extended.
Once the circuit is established, it can be used to create a stream connecting the browser and web server:
- When a browser connects, the header of the HTTP request is processed to identify the ip:port of the web server.
- A stream number, S, that is not in use on the source router's circuit is chosen.
- A Relay Begin cell is sent with circuit number C and stream number S. It also contains the ip:port of the web server.
- The last router on the circuit receives that cell and attempts to establish a TCP connection with the web server. If successful, it sends a Relay Connected cell back to the source router.
Finally, the HTTP data can be carried between the two:
- The source router packages the stream of data received from the browser into Relay Data cells and sends them on
circuit C and stream S.
- The router at the other end of the circuit receives those cells, extracts the data from them and sends that data
on the TCP connection it has for stream S, which delivers the
data to the web server.
- The same process, with roles reversed, is used to convey the web server's response to the browser.
Architecture Topics
In Tor61, each router creates a circuit when it comes up. This differs from Tor, which
(basically) allows each client to select a circuit. Tor provides more reason to care
what your circuit is than Tor61 does, though.
Tor61 circuits have a fixed length: they include three router-to-router TCP connections.
The routers used in a Tor61 circuit are chosen at random.
The Tor61 specification is silent about
whether or not a single router can appear in a circuit's path more than once,
meaning that it's allowed but not required.
Tor highly discourages doing that, although it's not clear that the specification actually
forbids it.
Allowing a router to appear more than once simplifies some aspects of
the Tor61 code, but more importantly allows you
to debug by bringing up a single Tor61 router instance that creates a circuit through itself
(three times). Note that because other router implementations may place your router on
a single circuit multiple times, your router should work in that situation, even if you
never create a circuit with repeated router entries yourself.
You should be aware that many groups have found allowing a circuit to connect through a single node
more than once to be challenging. The issue is usually deadlock. In particular, if you're not
careful to make sure that critical threads do not block, you might find that a blocked thread
ends up waiting for itself. If your code can get into that situation, it has a bug, and it's likely
it could deadlock if there are two or more distinct instances of it on a single circuit. Using
only a single instance for all the routers on the circuit just makes seeing the bug a lot more likely.
So, in that perverse sense, the single router circuit is a debugging aid, as it lets you easily
get into the buggy situation that would be hard to produce reliably if you used a multi-instance circuit.
Tor uses a circuit only for about a minute, then creates a new circuit on which all new
streams are routed. In Tor61 we use a circuit until it appears to no longer function.
Ideally, when we think the circuit has become useless, we create a new one, but automating
that is low priority for this assignment - so low that you don't need to do it.
There is a potential race condition in assigning circuit numbers, even on a single Tor61 connection:
the two routers on the connection may nearly simultaneously decide to use the same circuit number
C to create a new circuit. To avoid this, we adopt this version of the rule used in Tor:
The router that initiated the TCP connection assigns only odd circuit numbers on that connection.
The router whose TCP server socket was contacted assigns only even circuit numbers on that
Stream number 0 is reserved for, and should be used for, Relay Extend cells and their responses,
Relay Extended and Relay Extend Failed. These cells are used for circuit management, and
are not part of any stream.
Technically, circuit 0 doesn't have any special meaning, and is available for use. It might
be prudent, though, to avoid using, for fear that some other implementation considers it
special. (Note that the Open messages have the value 0x0000 in what would normally
be the circuit id field. That value is there just for uniformity in the header layout, though,
and isn't a circuit id, since Open precedes Create.)
We include HTTP proxy functionality as part of the implementation of a Tor61 router. That
allows the proxy to make direct calls to router code. (Tor separates these components, and
communicates between them using a network connection.)
This means that each Tor61 router has a number of different kinds of sockets:
- A single TCP server socket waiting for connections from browsers.
- Possibly many TCP sockets returned from accept on the server socket.
HTTP passes between the proxy functionality portion of the router and the browser over
these connections.
- A single TCP server socket waiting for connections initiated by another Tor61 router.
- Possibly many TCP sockets connected to other Tor61 routers.
These may have been returned from accept, if the other router initiated the connection,
or may have been created by this router and connected to the other router as a client.
The routers speak the Tor61 protocol over these sockets.
- Possibly many TCP client sockets connected to web servers. A new TCP connection
is established each time the router processes a Relay Begin cell.
Threading Architecture
Note: This section suggests an implementation approach. You are not required
to use this implementation. The implementation approach is not part of the protocol
The potential for distributed deadlock is one of the two
most complicated issues in the implementation. It's not so
bad if you have a well-defined approach when you start coding,
but can be very frustrating if you try to design as you code.
Let's start by looking at "the natural" use of threads in the router, and
restrict our attention to what it required to move data over the Tor61
network between browsers and clients.
This picture is incomplete, but we'll refine it in a minute.
The large rectangle is a node, implemented by your code. It contains
a part that acts as an HTTP proxy (actually, an HTTP-Tor61 protocol
converter) and a part that performs Tor61 router functions. The small
rectangles are sockets. The two solid rectangles are server sockets,
waiting for incoming TCP connections. The other sockets are
established TCP connections.
Associated with each TCP connection is a thread, shown as a lightning
bolt, used for reading from the connection. Proxy-side threads take
what they've read, package it up in Tor61 cells, and then invoke a
Tor61 send function to send those cells. Router-side threads read
incoming cells and act on them. An important activity is routing the
cells to the next hop of their circuit. In that case, the reader
thread invokes a send operation on the next hop's TCP socket to move
the cell on its way, then goes back to reading.
One thing missing from our first-cut diagram is the flow of data from
the Tor61 router side back to the proxy side. For instance, how does
data that comes out of the Tor61 network make its way onto the TCP
connection with the web server? We require an additional thread per
proxy side TCP connection for this, one that sits in a loop reading
from Tor61 network and writing to the TCP socket. But, exactly how can
that work? This new thread can't actually read from a Tor61 socket,
because it might end up reading some cells not intended for it.
The solution is to provide some kind of buffer between the router and
proxy sides. When the socket-reading thread on the router side reads
a cell on a circuit that ends with its node, it determines what stream
it is on, and from that what buffer to place the cell into. It then
goes back to reading from the Tor61 socket. The proxy side reader
cell now takes the cell out of the buffer and writes its data to the
TCP connection. This figure shows this additional complexity:
The thread that reads the proxy's TCP connection operates as before,
reading from the socket and then invoking router-side routines to
send the data as Tor61 cells. The newly added proxy-side "writer
thread" reads from a buffer shared between it and the Tor61 router
side. The Tor61 socket-reader threads put cells into the buffer when
they determine that the cells belong there - the circuit ends at this
node, and the stream id of the cell indicates it belongs to the TCP
connection whose buffer we'll put the cell into. Because many
different threads may try to operate on the buffer at once, it has to
be "thread safe." Java, C++, and Python (and perl) all provide
threadsafe queue implementations in standard libraries. (In C++,
you probably want to use the appropriate Boost library.)
As we'll see in the next section, it's important that reader threads never block indefinitely.
It turns out that writing to a TCP socket can potentially block indefinitely. That means that
no thread whose purpose is to read from a socket should also write to one. That causes one
more "enhancement" to our threading architecture, shown below: we put a buffer in front
of each Tor61 connection so that a reader thread that ends up wanting to send a Tor61 cell can
write to the buffer, thus avoiding writing directly to the socket.
This diagram conveys almost all the threading issues, but there is still one more: we need
some way to engage in request sequences, and to block while waiting for responses that are part
of the sequence. We discuss this final complication in the next section.
Blocking for Sequenced Operations: Request-Response Exchanges
Some Tor61 cells are used to request control operations that require a response for
successful completion. In particular, Open, Create, Relay Extend, and Relay Begin
all require responses.
This brings up the issue of how to connect the response cell with the original request
cell, once the response arrives.
If you implement using threads, your code's control flow naturally encodes
sequenced operations and current progress through them. For instance, Create expects a Created
reply. We can link the two by having the thread that sends the Create block until a reply
arrives, and then checking that it is a Created before finalizing the operation.
Doing this requires that we solve three subproblems, though:
- What thread do we use to link the request and the response?
- How does that thread block? What does it block on?
- How do we avoid deadlock?
Which Thread?
A full discussion of this topic is an unfortunately large number of words,
but the essential point is relatively simple:
Never use a Tor61 "reading thread" (one whose main task is reading from a socket)
to do anything that might cause it to block indefinitely.
So, for instance, suppose a Tor61 reading thread reads in a Relay
Extend cell and finds that its router is the circuit end point.
That's a request for its router to send a Create cell to the router
named in the Relay Extend, to wait for a Created response from that
next router, and then to reply to the Relay Extend with a Relay
Extended cell. The reader thread cannot take this on itself, because
it would have to block while waiting for the Created reply. Blocking
can lead to deadlock (described briefly in a bit). Instead, the
reader thread should create a new thread and hand it the Relay Extend
cell for processing.
On the other side of this coin, suppose the Tor61 reader thread reads in an Open cell.
It can simply send the Opened reply, because writing isn't a blocking operation (in the sense
we mean it here). Similarly, the reader thread can perform routing, and process
any other kinds of cells when it's guaranteed no blocking will be needed.
So, the answer to "which thread?" is "some thread that isn't a Tor61 reader thread, if processing
might block." In some cases you create a new thread just to handle the request. In others,
you are executing with some thread when you realize you need to engage in a request-reply
exchange. Depending on your implementation, you might just use that thread, so long as it's
not a Tor61 reader thread. (A proxy reader thread is okay, though, for example.)
What to block on?
We use the same solution as we used earlier:
a thread-safe buffer. In this case, the thread waiting for a
Tor61 response cell tries to read from the buffer, and blocks until
there is something to read. The Tor61 reader threads examine each
incoming cell, and if they find one that is a response directed to
this node, they insert it into the buffer where the calling thread is
presumably waiting.
This simple scheme works so long as there can be no confusion over
which responses correspond to which requests. Because neither
requests nor responses carry sequence numbers (or any other kind of
explicit, unique name), we have to rely on ordering. In particular,
we use the fact that there is at most one outstanding operation being
performed on any one circuit (i.e., at most one Open, Create, or Relay
Extend), and at most one outstanding operation on any stream (i.e., at
most one Relay Begin). That means that by having a buffer per
(connection, circuit, stream) there can be no ordering issue. (Note
that ordering is sufficient only because we're operating on top of
TCP, which provides reliable streams, including duplicate detection.)
Deadlock is when a thread is waiting for something, but that something
can't be provided until that thread does something, which it can't do because
it's blocked waiting for that something. In this application, the main
danger is that that router sends a request cell to another router, which simultaneously
sends its own request cell back to the first router. In both routers the
thread that sent the request is blocked waiting for a response.
If the socket-reading threads on the two routers are the ones sending the requests,
they're both blocked. Since neither can read the request the other has sent,
neither can send a response, and so neither can ever receive a response.
Resource Leaks
It turns out to be a lot easier to bring up routers and circuits than to
shut them down cleanly. Unless you're careful, it's easy to leak resources.
Resources include not only memory but also threads and sockets. To avoid this,
it's important to verify that your code meets at least a minimal
standard, releasing all resources in simple
cases, for example, both ends of a stream close their connections
or a Destroy cell arrives (asking that a circuit be destroyed).
This problem is made even harder because it's difficult to know what
you should do in unexpected cases. For instance, suppose you get an indication
that no more input will be coming from the connection to a browser. Should
you close that connection, or might there be additional data (perhaps in flight
in the Tor61 network) to send to it? Can you even write that data to the browser if
it has closed the output side of its connection? What if the browser or the
server never close their connections? There are many behaviors that
"should never happen" but likely will be observed, if you visit enough pages.
One possibly useful way to test that you're cleaning up is to verify that all
resources have been released when you close the program gracefully. That means
that all threads have terminated, all sockets have been closed, and all memory
released. These things aren't really that important at shutdown, because at that
point the resources will be released by the system if you don't do it,
but a clean shutdown is an indication you've managed to keep track of all resources
and have code that will deallocate them.
If you leak resources, eventually your process will become unresponsive. If you run out
of sockets, for instance, no new connections can be made. Most CSE systems limit an
individual process to 1024 open sockets, so if you load a few complicated pages while
leaking sockets you can run out quite quickly.
Because of this difficulty, we establish three levels of functionality:
Tier III
Multiple copies of your program can run together and successfully fetch at least a few complicated
web pages. You may hang after a bit, though.
Tier II
You can run even when interacting with correct implementations written by others.
You continue to stay responsive for a medium amount of time.
("You have a small leak, not a gaping hole.")
Tier I
You can run in a heterogeneous environment and stay up for long durations -- days, say.
Basically, we'll try to determine which tier your implementation falls into.
Tier 2.2 performance (Tier II with a few minor deficiencies) gets you full points.
In addition to full points, Tier I performance gets you vast respect points from
your peers and possibly even strangers.
We'll run our own registration server while grading. We'll first bring
up multiple instances of your program in isolation, i..e, a Tier III
environment. We'll test by connecting to the last node brought up
(the one that sees the most other nodes already up when it starts).
If that goes well, we'll try it when running with other instances of
the sample solution (i.e., a controlled Tier II). Finally, if that
goes well, we'll toss it into a Tier I sandbox with the other programs that
have made it that far and check back on it in a couple days.
We strongly advise starting simple, not by trying to fetch cnn.com. For the simplest possible testing
it's handy to use two instances of nc. Start one listening on a server socket; it will act
as the web server. Connect the other to the HTTP proxy port of an instance of your router. It acts
as the browser. Now type a valid HTTP Host line in the browser side, giving the IP:port address of the
server nc instance. Type in the browser instance and see if it appears in the server instance.
Type in the server instance and see if it appears in the browser instance.
Once that works, or if it gets too tedious, you might try using a real browser and web server.
We've set up the simplest possible web page, one that just returns a tiny bit of HTML and doesn't
require the browser to fetch any additional resources. That page is at
run Script & Other Requirements
Your run script should implement the following invocation syntax:
./run <group number> <instance number> <HTTP Proxy port>
An example invocation is:
./run 3147 2 46110
This would mean that the the router's string name is
Tor61Router-3147-0002, and that it should establish its HTTP Proxy on
server port 46110.
Your program should print identifying information about the Tor61 routers used in the
circuit it creates. It should be easy to spot that information; don't bury
it among
many many lines of debugging output. It should also be easy to interpret that
information so that we know, for instance, what order the routers appear in on
the circuit and which router instances are part of the path.
Turn in
When you're ready to turn in your assignment, do the following:
- The files you submit should be placed in a directory named project4.
There should be no other files in that directory.
- Create a readme.txt file that contains the names,
student numbers, and UW email addresses of the member(s) of your team. Also, mention which part of the project such as Registeration service, Tier III, Tier II or Tier I you implemented.
- Put the readme.txt file, your project 4 solution source code, and your
run script in the project4 directory.
- While in the directory that is the parent of project4/,
issue the command tar czf project4.tar.gz project4.
- Verify that the tar file contains the files you intend to submit: tar tf project4.tar.gz.
- Submit the project4.tar.gz file to the canvas.
Appendix A: The Registration Service
Registration Basics
Tor61 uses the registration service from this project for peer discovery. Each peer registers with the service
when the peer comes online. The service maintains a list of peers it thinks are online, and
provides an interface by which peers can request that list. Of course, the peers must somehow
discover the registration service. We do that by hard coding its location into the peers: the registration
service is at a well known host:ip (in particular, cse461.cs.washington.edu:46101).
To register, a peer supplies a string name, an integer data value, and an IP address and port.
To fetch registrations, the peer supplies a string. All registrations that have that string
as a prefix of the registered name are returned (and ones that do not are not).
We use the name field to allow us to select either all routers, no matter who wrote them,
or just those written by some specific group (for example, your own!). The registration name
should have format Tor61Router-xxxx-yyyy, where xxxx is a group number, unique
to your group, and yyyy is an instance number that allows your group to run more than one
router copy at a time.
As a string, your group number should be four decimal digits, including leading zeroes.
For instance, my group might be running three peers, with names Tor61Router-0057-0001,
Tor61Router-0057-0002, and Tor61Router-0057-0006.
To interact with only your own routers, issue a fetch
requesting name prefix up through your group name.
For our example, that would be Tor61Router-0057.
To operate with all extant routers, use prefix Tor61Router.
The registration service data field is used to hold a Tor61 router number,
which is the name used for the router in some
Tor61 cell formats (this corresponds to the "agent id" in the Open, Opened, Open Failed and Relay Extend formats). The router number is the 32-bit value (xxxx << 16) | yyyy, i.e.,
the binary concatenation of the group and instance numbers.
For this to work, we need to assign unique group numbers to all groups. That's a distributed coordination
problem. We'll use a classic, distributed approach to solving it: everyone picks a group number at random
and hopes for the best.
(If you notice you've collided with another group(s), use a sensible collision resolution protocol to resolve it!)
There is one well-known group: 0001 is reserved for routers run by the course staff.
Examining the Registration Service
The registration service provides a web interface:
Displays the current registration data.
The server produces a log of activity, including incoming packets shown as hex strings and
as parsed messages. This page shows the most recently written (up to) 250 lines of the log.
Appendix B: How to run for days
On at least most CSE systems (including the attu's),
you can create a shell session that will survive logout using the screen
command. (User-typed input is shown in red.)
$ screen # Starts a screen session.
$ ./run .... # Start up your program.
HTTP proxy is up on port 17344
Tor61 router is up on port 37288
...more program output...
ctrl-a d
[detached from 29680.pts-98.attu2]
$ # You're now back in your original shell, and your program is still running
$ # in the screen session.
$ # Do anything, including logging out.
$ # Eventually come back.
$ screen -r 29680.pts-98.attu2 # reconnect to the screen sesion
HTTP proxy is up on port 17344
Tor61 router is up on port 37288
...more program output...
< you'll see whatever your program has output while you were away >
ctrl-a d
[detached from 29680.pts-98.attu2]
Your screen session will not survive a machine reboot, but those are rare. If you want
to come back up automatically after a reboot, look into cron and crontab.
Appendix C: Cell exchange sequences
We show here typical request-response cell exchanges in the Tor61 protocol. This excludes
cells that travel in one direction with no response,
which includes the movement of Relay Data
cells and the Destroy control cell.
Initialize a newly opened TCP connection
OPEN --------->
<-------- OPENED
Establish first hop of a new circuit
OPEN --------->
<--------- OPENED
CREATE --------->
<--------- CREATED
The Open/Opened is optional -- it's required, as a side-effect, if there is
no existing Tor61 connection with the target Tor61 router.
The Create/Created exchange is required to establish the new circuit, and is required
even if a Tor61 connection already exists between the two routers.
Extend the circuit
RELAY EXTEND -----> [forward] -------->
CREATE ------->
<------- CREATED
<----- [forward] <--------- RELAY EXTENDED
The Relay Extend cell is passed to the current end of the circuit. The router there
engages in the Create exchange to extend the circuit by one hop, then sends
a success or failure response back to the circuit's source node.
Create a stream
RELAY BEGIN -----> [forward] --------> <open TCP connection to web server> ------->
<----- [forward] <--------- RELAY CONNECTED
The Relay Begin is passed to the Tor61 router at the end of the circuit.