CSE 461 17au: Homework 0

Out: Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Due: Monday, October 23, 11:59 PM
Turnin: Online, course dropbox
Teams No, do this individually


Read the short, informally written article Why we don't use a CDN: A story about SPDY and SSL and answer this question:
The author measured that their CDN setup resulted in worse page load times than just serving from their server. Why? What advantage did serving all the content themselves have over the CDN setup?

Your answer should be clear and a little bit technical. Was it latency? Was it transfer time? Was it server processing time? Something else? What was it?

Submit a one paragraph pdf file to the course dropbox.


This article will mention some things you don't know much about, and may have never heard of. That's expected. I imagine you'll do a bit of side reading to try to fill in. I don't imagine you'll try to understand every bit of the article (but will judiciously decide what is enough).

One theme running through the article is SSL. SSL is basically an encrypted TCP stream. It's used on https URL's. (Okay, these days we use TLS, but the distinctions are irrelevant to this homework.) The first diagram in the article linked as SSL resumption tells you what you need to know about SSL for this homework. (You don't need to understand anything about the cryptography, or even read about it. Start by just looking at the first diagram.)

SPDY is a Google-sponsored predecessor to HTTP 2. For this assignment, you can think of it as identical to HTTP 2.