CSE461 15wi (feedback)

Anonymous feedback

You can submit anonymous feedback to the instructor and TAs using the following feedback form:

Feedback will be posted here, unedited except in extreme cases.
Subject: Tor implementation
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 13:10:45 -0800

In class you said that a large portion of Tor would be implemented for us — to reduce the workload of the project. I obviously don't know what completed portions you will be giving us, or what will be left for us to implement, but whatever.

If my experience in 333 with you taught has me anything, it's that I learn absolutely nothing when I'm just plugging code into a half-finished implementation. I would rather start Tor from a blank text file and struggle through the project, even if it means way more work and time, because coding is fun and I want to learn.

Subject: Course Calendar
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:47:01 -0800

It's always helpful when courses display lecture readings/topics and assignment due dates for the entire quarter so that we can read/plan ahead, even if they may change. Will this be available to us soon or updated weekly?

[Note: My procedure is to "never" answer anonymous posts, because of the high danger of appearing to dispute or argue the points made. But, as long as I'm writing, there will be a complete quarter calendar as soon as I can get to it, which I'd guess may be as late as this weekend.]