CSE461 Project 1: Registration

Out: Tuesday April 8, 2014
Due: Friday April 18, 2014 by 11:59pm.
Teams Allowed: Yes
Teams Encouraged: Yes
Ideal Team Size: 2


In this project you'll write code that interacts with a registration service. The function of the server is to keep track of nodes that participate in some distributed application. When a node comes up, it announces its presence by registering with the service, providing it with an IP address and port it can be contacted at. When a node goes down, it should unregister. Any node can ask the registration service for a list of currently registered nodes. The registration service is therefore a discovery mechanism -- a way for nodes to find each other.

This sounds simple enough, but there are quite a few details required for it to work robustly. Those are described next.

The code is this project is intended to be a utility for the next project. In Project 1 you build registration as a standalone application, but if you're not careful to cleanly separate support for the registration protocol from the implementation of the application, you'll end up having to do that in the next project.

Operational Overview
We have implemented the registration service, and run an instance of it at cse461.cs.washington.edu:46101. The registration service defines a set of messages, how to encode them as bits, and a set of valid message exchanges (i.e., a protocol). All message encodings fit in a single UDP packet. There are seven kinds of messages. We'll elaborate on their use in a bit.

Communication involving the registration service is always "request-response": one side sends a message to the other, the other responds, and that's the end of it. The possible exchanges are these:

Register registers an instance. The server returns a Registered response. Unregister removes a registration. The server responds with an ACK. Fetch requests information about registrations. The server responds with a FetchResponse message that contains a few randomly chosen registrations. Probe is simply a request for an ACK response. It is used to test if the other end is still there. Probe may be initiated by the client or by the server. All other exchanges are initiated only by the client.

Note: We have purposefully omitted any kind of error response, in an attempt to contain the work this project requires. If the server detects an error, it simply doesn't respond.

Overall Architecture
The main part of the code you're writing is really just an agent that supports some other application, which we'll call a service. That other service wants to register with the registration service. Rather than requiring every service to implement code implementing the registration service's protocol, we encapsulate that in the agent.

Here's a picture of the architecture we're headed. Examples of real services that might want to use your registration agent are audio servers, video servers, and peer-to-peer IM and VoIP clients. Rather than requiring each to implement code to deal with the registration server, you implement that code once and provide it as a library. In Project 1 there is no real client service; we'll implement one in Project 3, and use the registration agent to register it. You should try to design and implement your agent so that it's easy to use it with the Project 3 service. (We do write some UI code in Project 1 that can act as the service, so that we can test the agent, but we'll throw that code away.)

The small, filled rectangles are sockets, each bound to some port. The arrows show the direction of the first packet sent in a request-response exchange. The response is sent between the same pair of sockets, in the opposite direction, but isn't shown here.

"Some service" wants to register the port its socket is bound to (q) with the registration service. In this project you simply make up some port number to register, since we're not actually implementing a client service at this time.

With that small issue ignored, the rest of the figure is accurate, even in this project. The registration agent itself has a distinct pair of datagram sockets that it uses when communicating with the registration service. The sockets are bound to consecutive ports (p and p+1, for some arbitrary p). One socket is used when the agent wants to initiate a request-response exchange with the registration service. The other is there for the registration service to use if it wants to initiate an exchange. Having separate sockets avoids confusions like: (a) the agent sends a Register to the registration service, and expects to receive an Registered message back; but (b) at the same time, the registration service sends a probe to the agent. If only a single port were used at the agent for both purposes, the agent would read a Probe when it expected a Registered, and get confused. (It's possible to make the one port approach work, but it's clumsy.)

The registration service requires that ports to which the agent's two sockets are bound be consecutive because the agent messages never explicitly give the agent's own port numbers. Instead, the registration service learns the sending port number (p) because it's in the UDP header of the messages it receives from the agent. It deduces the port number to which it should send Probes (p+1) because of the offline agreement that it should be one higher than the agent's sending port number.

Summarizing the basic operation, Register:

  1. The service wants to register port q, so it asks the agent to do that for it.
  2. The agent uses port p to send a Register message to the registration service, which responds with a Registered message sent back to port p.
  3. At some later time, the registration service decides to probe the agent, so sends a Probe message to port p+1.
  4. The agent responds with an ACK sent from port p+1 to whatever port the registration service used to send the Probe, a value it gets from the header information of the Probe packet.
Message Formats
All messages are sent using UDP, and must fit in a single packet. We describe their formats below. Remember that the UDP packets carry additional information in their headers, though. Of particular interest is the IP address and port of the sender of the UDP packet.

All registration messages begin with a common header consisting of the two-byte value 0xC461, a one-byte unsigned integer sequence number, and a one-byte message type. All multi-byte numeric values are in network order (big endian). Sequence numbers from a single sender form an increasing sequence, except that:

0xC461 seq
service data service
name len
service name
2 1 1 4 2 4 1 service name len

As well as providing the IP address and port at which the service can be contacted, the service provides two additional pieces of information. The "service data" is an arbitrary 32-bit data item the service wants to publish. It is communicated as an unsigned 32-bit integer in network byte order. The "service name" is a variable length string describing the service. The service name len field gives the length of the service name as an unsigned, 8-bit integer.

0xC461 seq
2 1 1 2
This message is sent as a success response to a Register message. Its sequence number must match the sequence number of the Register message to which it is responding.

The lifetime field is an unsigned integer value indicating how long the registration service will keep the data it received in the Register message before deleting it. If the client service wants to maintain its registration, it must re-register before the lifetime expires. The lifetime is given in seconds. Note: your client must automatically re-register itself before the lifetime expires, without any necessary input from the user! Clients that re-register services that have been manually unregistered are not considered to be compliant with this spec.

0xC461 seq
name len
service name
2 1 1 1 service name len
This message requests that the server send back some, possibly all, existing registrations. Any registrations returned must themselves have service names that begin with the service name specified in this Fetch message. (Specify a service name len of zero to match all registrations.)
0xC461 seq
number of
entry 0 entry 1 ...
2 1 1 1 10 10
This message is sent as a success response to a Fetch message. Its sequence number must match the sequence number of the Fetch message to which it is responding.

The server tries to return all matching registrations, but imposes a maximum packet length for its response that may cause it to omit some registrations. The packet length limit ensures that the response fits in a single UDP packet, and, further, that there is at least a reasonable chance of delivery (based on Internet behavior observed in some simple experimentation).

Each returned entry looks like this:
4 2 4

0xC461 seq
name len
service name
2 1 1 1 service name len
Requests that the registration service remove the registration for the service with the specified name. (The service name in the message must match exactly the name registered with the service.) Services should unregister before shutting down. It would be a mistake for the server to rely on them doing so, however. (For that reason the server automatically deletes registrations after a certain amount of time has passed; see Registered.)

Unregister expects an ACK response on success.

0xC461 seq
2 1 1
A Probe message is a request that the other end respond with an ACK. It can be used to test whether or not the other end is still running.
0xC461 seq
2 1 1
A response message. Its sequence number must match the sequence number of the message it is ACK'ing.
Error Handling
Your code should be prepared to deal with both network and registration service errors. Networks errors are lost packets. You don't have to deal with packets arriving corrupted; UDP detects and drops such packets. You also don't have to deal with packets being reordered, or delayed beyond a practically reasonable amount of time. The expected implementations never have more than one packet outstanding at a time, and it is exceedingly rare for packets to be outlandishly delayed and still be delivered.

Service errors are things like responding with the wrong message type or a bad sequence number, or not at all (having crashed, for instance).

When network errors occur, you should try to overcome them. Service implementation errors will presumably just be repeated, so you can give up and report an error if you encounter one.

It's typically hard to debug the code intended to deal with network errors, because they occur infrequently. To help debug, the service instance deployed on cse461.cs.washington.edu (explained later) artificially drops some incoming packets. This is done probabilistically. The service simulates bursty errors. At any moment it is in one of two states, one with a low artificial drop rate and one with a very high rate. It transitions from one state to the other at random.

Client UI Specification
As in project 0, you should supply a run script that performs any necessary build and then launches your client, supplying it with any command line arguments given to run. Your client will be invoked like this:
$ ./run <registration service host name> <service port>

Your client should accept commands from stdin that cause it to send messages to the registration service identified by the command line arguments, to read its responses the service sends, and to print appropriate messages about the result of the interaction. You must support the following commands. You may also support additional command formats that you find useful. (For example, the sample solution can use default arguments if required arguments are not provided.) Please document any additions in your README.TXT after your names/student numbers/e-mail addresses.

Additionally, when your agent is Probed by the service, it should print some indication that it has received the probe.

We aren't too picky about the format of your output, but you should try to make it clear to a TA reading it. (Feel free to imitate the format used in the sample solutions below.)

A registration service is running on host cse461.cs.washington.edu, port 46101. You should expect that its availability will be something less than the five-9's (99.999%) that multi-billion dollar corporations strive for.

It can be useful when debugging your client code to have some idea what the server is receiving and sending, and what registrations it holds. For that reason, the registration service provides a web interface:

Displays the current registration data.
The server produces a log of activity, including incoming packets shown as hex strings and as parsed messages. This page shows the most recently written (up to) 250 lines of the log.
Turn in
When you're ready to turn in your assignment, do the following:
  1. The files you submit should be placed in a directory named proj1. There should be no other files in that directory.
  2. Create a README.TXT file that contains the names, student numbers, and UW email addresses of the member(s) of your team.
  3. Put the README.TXT file, your project 1 solution source code, and your run script in the proj1directory.
  4. While in the directory that is the parent of proj1/, issue the command tar czf proj1.tar.gz proj1.
  5. Verify that the tar file contains the files you intend to submit: tar tf proj1.tar.gz.
  6. Submit the proj1.tar.gz file to the course dropbox. (There's a link to the dropbox in the navigation section of all course pages.)
Appendix A: Client state machine
The registration protocol is pure request-response. There is a single correct, positive response for each request type. If an error is encountered, the server will not respond. Additionally, request and response packets may be dropped.

A reasonable client protocol state machine looks like this, where "<request>" and "<response>" mean any request message and its anticipated response message.

Protocol questions: