CSE461 Project 0: UDP

Out: Monday March 31, 2014
Due: Monday April 7, 2014 by 11:59pm.
Teams Allowed: No


Project 0 asks you to write code that can communicate using UDP, one of the two most commonly used Internet transport protocols (the other being TCP). Your code will send and receive packets containing text. When it receives a packet, it prints the text it contains. When the user types a line of input, you put that text into a packet and send it. By running two instances of your code, what you type at one should be printed by the other, even when they run on distinct machines.

To do this your code must do the following:

This is, intentionally, about the simplest conceivable networked application, because figuring out what to write to achieve these basic tasks can be more frustrating than what you're used to. Our goal is to work through those issues, whatever they might be.

As part of this, you need to choose an implementation language. You'll want to use the same language for the first four project assignments, so it's worth making a careful choice. Students writing these project have used Java, C, C++, and Python. Each seems best for parts of what we do, and definitely not best for other parts. On the whole, if you know all three, Python seems to lead to the most compact implementations. If you don't know already Python, something you do know is a better choice.

Note: We'll grade your code on attu, so the language, build system, libraries, etc. you use must be available there. You'll be responsible for writing a script that allows us to build your code. Our build environment is not your build environment, even when we both run on the same machine, so you should try to make your script as portable as possible.

Operational Specifications
You're writing a single program that will behave as a client or a server, depending on how it is invoked. The client contacts only a single server and the server interacts with only a single client, the one that contacts it first.

You don't need to deal with network errors in this project. (You'll do that in the next one.) You should do standard checking of return codes, but you don't need to worry about the case that a sent packet doesn't arrive or that the other end of the communication misbehaves.

Server Behavior

  1. Invoke with command ./run <portnum>, where <portnum> is a port number. Code should create a datagram (UDP) socket bound to that port.
    Note: run is probably a shell script. See the Grading section.
  2. Print to stdout a useful IPv4 address for the host you're running on and the port of the just created socket.
    Note: The host you're on probably has multiple IP addresses. Finding a useful one can be difficult. One approach is to get the host's name (keyword: hostname) and then use a library routine to resolve the name to an IPv4 address (keyword: getaddrinfo). Exactly how you do this will depend on the language you're using.
  3. Wait for an incoming packet.
  4. Print the source IP address and port of the just arrived packet.
  5. Print the character data contained in the just arrived packet.
  6. At this point the output should look like this (except for the particular addresses):
    $ ./run 46199 46199
    [Contact from] 33120
  7. Send back to the source of the incoming packet a packet containing your IPv4 address and port, separated by a single space, and with a trailing '\n'. (Strings are not null terminated.)
  8. Loop reading stdin and sending any lines of text read to the UDP port that contacted you.
    Note: You can assume that each read line fits in a single UDP packet.
  9. At the same time, read the data from any incoming packets and print it to stdout.
    Note: Use threads to concurrently read stdin and incoming packets.
  10. Terminate when you see EOF on stdin.
    Note: On Linux you can generate EOF by typing ctrl-d.
Client Behavior
  1. Invoke with command ./run <hostname> <portnum>. The hostname can be a domain name (e.g., attu1.cs.washington.edu) or an IPv4 address (e.g., Most languages/libraries allow these two types of names to be used interchangably in methods related to datagram sockets.
  2. Create a UDP socket that can be used to send packets to the destination given by the command line arguments.
  3. Determine a useful IPv4 address for the host you're running on, and the port your socket is bound to.
  4. Send to the destination a packet containing your IPv4 address and port, separated by a single space, and with a trailing '\n'.
  5. Loop reading stdin and sending any lines of text read to the UDP port that contacted you.
  6. At the same time, read the data from any incoming packets and print it to stdout.
  7. Terminate when you see EOF on stdin.
Execution and Debugging
Grading and Required Script
We'd like to be able to write a script that runs all submissions. For that to be possible we need all submissions to support a single way to build and launch them. For that reason, you must submit a script, run, that will perform any required build of your code (e.g., compiling and linking a C++ program) and then launch it, passing whatever command line arguments are given when invoking run. That is, when we write our script we'll be able to pretend that everyone has submitted an executable named run, with the executable following the specifications noted earlier.

To actually grade, we will run on attu. You should verify that your program and the run script work there. You should be as careful as you can to make sure the run script doesn't depend on peculiarities of your personal build environment -- your CLASSPATH settings, for instance.

Turn in
When you're ready to turn in your assignment, do the following:
  1. The files you submit should be placed in a directory named proj0. There should be no other files in that directory.
  2. Create a README.TXT file that contains your name, student number, and UW email address.
  3. Put the README.TXT file, your project 0 solution source code, and your run script in the proj0directory.
  4. While in the directory that is the parent of proj0/, issue the command tar czf proj0.tar.gz proj0.
  5. Verify that the tar file contains the files you intend to submit: tar tf proj0.tar.gz.
  6. Submit the proj0.tar.gz file to the course dropbox. (There's a link to the dropbox in the navigation section of all course pages.)