CSE 461: Introduction to Computer Communication Networks, Spring 2013
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Project 3: Remote Procedure Call

Out: Tuesday, May 21
Due: Friday, June 7 (11:59 PM)
Turnin: Online
Teams: Yes

1. Assignment Overview

Remote procedure call (RPC) is a mechanism intended to greatly simplify writing networked code, relative to using raw sockets. RPC mimics the semantics of procedure call: generally, the caller invokes a method of the callee; both arguments and return values are typed data, with some form of type checking enforced by the RPC system; exceptions may be thrown; and execution of the callee is synchronous (meaning the caller waits until the method returns before continuing to execute instructions). Different RPC systems have deviated from these local procedure call semantics in various ways, but that's the general idea.

For this project you build what might be considered a simple RPC system. It supports all of the functionality just mentioned, except for type checking, which is left to the application. (Importantly, true RPC systems typically have some form of compiler support; our system doesn't have any.)

We'll continue to use ping and data transfer as applications. We need applications for debugging the RPC implementation, and these are about the simplest applications imaginable. They also are just the tools we need to determine whether the overheads of our RPC implementations are trivial or significant.

2. Our RPC System Overview

Suppose some class Foo implements method bar, whose type is shown in italics below, along with a typical local invocation:
// Original, local invocation code

public int bar(int x, int y, String who) throws Exception;

try { 
   int result = Foo.bar(10, 20, "pluto");
} catch (Exception e) {

To build our RPC system, we first impose a restriction that supported methods take a single JSONObject as an argument and return a JSONObject as a result. In many cases, it's simple to translate from an arbitrary method's type to one that can be supported by our RPC. For the example above, the translation is:
// Translated, local invocation code

public JSONObject bar(JSONObject args) throws Exception;

try { 
   JSONObject args = new JSONObject().put("x", 10).put("y",20).put("who","pluto");
   JSONObject resultObj = Foo.bar(args);
   int result = resultObj.getInt("retval");
} catch (Exception e) {

Here the field name "retval" for the returned value was chosen by the implementor of bar(). The implementor of the caller has to know this, perhaps by looking at bar()'s documentation.

Now we're ready to move bar() to a remote machine. When we do, the invoking code looks like this:

// RPC invocation code

try { 
   JSONObject args = new JSONObject().put("x", 10).put("y",20).put("who","pluto");
   JSONObject resultObj = RPCCall.invoke(serverIP, serverRPCPort,
                                         "Fooservice", "bar", args);
   int result = resultObj.getAsInt("retval");
} catch (Exception e) {

The caller now directly invokes our RPC infrastructure, asking it the carry to call to the remote machine, and to return the result. The remote machine is named by an IP address and port (the first two arguments to RPCCall.invoke()). To identify the procedure to invoke, we need to name a remote body of code ("Fooservice") and a method for which it allows RPC invocation ("bar"). (Both of those names are created by the remote code. They are just strings, and so do not necessarily correspond to Java class or method names.) Finally, we need to pass the arguments.

RPCCall.invoke() then causes messages to be sent to the RPC infrastructure running on the callee's machine, which performs a local invocation of the bar procedure, collects its return value, and sends it back. RPCCall.invoke() then returns to the caller, handing back the return value it obtained from the remote system.

During this process, an error might occur and an exception be thrown. That could happen in the code of the remote procedure (e.g., it has been passed invalid arguments) or in RPC infrastructure code (e.g., RPCCall.invoke() can't connect to the remote side, or the remote side can't find a method with the specified name). In these cases, RPCCall.invoke() returns to the caller by throwing an exception (rather than by returning a value). For this to work, the remote RPC infrastructure must have a way to return an exception to RPCCall.invoke(), in addition to being able to send back return values.

3. RPC Protocol

3.1 RPC: Implementation Summary

  • RPCs take place over a TCP connection.
  • A typical RPC results in four messages:
    • An initial RPC "handshake," consisting of one message in each direction. This establishes the RPC channel.
    • An invocation message sent from the caller to the callee, followed by a return message from the callee to the caller.
  • In the basic protocol, only a single RPC may be issued across an established connection; both sides close the connection when they have handled the first call.
  • You will also implement a more advanced version of this protocol with "persistent connections": once an RPC connection is established, any number of RPCs may be issued across it. The protocol specifies how persistent connections are negotiated and managed, and the solution server supports them. Details are in another section.
  • RPC messages are exchanged between the two RPC instances (not between the calling and called application code). In memory, an RPC message is a JSONObject. (Note that the RPC message JSONObject may itself contain an application layer JSONObject representing, say, the call arguments, but the two are entirely distinct.) On the wire, an RPC message is a JSON encoded string representation of the JSONObject message. Those strings are sent using TCPMessageHandler encoding.

3.2 The Control Handshake

The initial handshake is communication between the calling RPC service and the remote RPC service. It is not part of application communication, i.e., not application to application.

Connect Message

The handshake begins with the caller sending an RPC connect control message. Connect messages look like this.


All of this is what you can think of as RPC header:
  • The host field identifies the sending RPC service. The protocol doesn't rely on it, but it's useful for debugging. Setting it to the IP address is a reasonable choice for this project.
  • The id field is an ID. The combination of host and id is a unique ID for this message. (While RPC service implementations can simply count up by one to generate these IDs, they are not sequence numbers; the recipient won't necessarily see consecutive IDs.)
  • The type field indicates this is a control message, i.e., the intended recipient is the remote RPC service, not some application on the remote machine.
  • The action field indicates what kind of control message this is. (There's only one, but we send this field to allow later extension of the protocol.)
  • The options field is optional. The one in the example contains a connection field indicating that the caller would like the connection to be persistent. A message may not include an options field at all.

Success Response Message

If the remote RPC service is willing to connect, it sends a success response. (In our implementations, the remote service is always willing to connect. In general, though, it could reject a connection if it thought it were already too busy, or for any other reason.) For our example, the response looks like:


The type field indicates this is a success response. The callid says what it is a response to - it's the id field of the message being responded to. The id and host fields have the same meaning as in the connect message. (The name of this remote host happens to be the null string, a special name in Project 4.)

Error Response Message

An error response to the same call looks like this:

   "msg":"Max connections exceeded"

The msg field is a free form error message, intended to help the caller understand what the problem is.

3.3 RPC Call

RPC Invocation

Suppose echo is a remote service (analogous to a local class) and echo() a method it supports. Here's how the remote call echo.echo("test message") is encoded:

      "payload":"test message"

The type field indicates this is an application-to-application invocation message. The app field is the (unique) name of the remote application. The method field indicates which of the remote application's methods the caller wants to invoke. The args field carries the JSONObject argument for that invocation.

Success Response

A success response looks like this:

      "payload":"test message"

The value field is the return value of the invocation. Unless the remote procedure returns the equivalent of void, the value field is always a JSONObject. (In the example, the application is echo, which just returns anything sent to it, so the return value matches the invocation argument.) If the remote procedure has the equivalent of a void return, it returns null when invoked by its RPC infrastructure, and that infrastructure does not produce a value field in the returned message.

Error Response

An error response looks like tis:

   "message":"some error message",
         "payload":"test message"

The new field here is callargs, which simply sends back the invocation arguments. It can be useful in debugging the caller.

4. Persistent Connections

A persistent connection is a TCP connection that can be used to make more than one call. In our system, there may be only a single call in progress at a time on a TCP connection; we do not pipeline or multiplex multiple calls over a connection, we simply cache TCP connections in case another request is made to the same host in the near future.

If the caller would like to establish a persistent connection with the remote system, its initial handshake message looks like this:


If the server is willing to engage in persistent connections, it responds something like this:

If the caller doesn't receive a keep-alive response, the connection is non-persistent: both sides should close it after a single RPC call.

Implementing persistent connections is a bit tricky. You must keep a cache of persisted connections. The cache is cleaned by connections timing out when they haven't been used for too long. There are races to worry about in maintaining the cache, and a race between the two ends of the connection about when the connection is closed. Finally, it can be quite hard to determine that the other end of a TCP connection has closed it. In Java, you have to read from the connection, which isn't a suitable mechanism if all you want to do is determine if the connection is still open (since you'll potentially consume some data that should be part of a call).

5. RPC Implementation

The RPC implementation consists of two main classes: RPCService, which implements the receiving side (accepting calls from remote systems), and RPCCall, which implements sending remote calls. Both sides are NetLoadableServices, and so must be listed in the config file to be loaded.

The simpler part of this is the caller side. RPCCall exposes a single, static method, invoke(...). The method is static so that client code can be simply RCPCall.invoke(...), rather than the tedious line required to lookup the RPCCall service using NetBase. Because it's only interesting method is static, there is no interface file for it. However, RPCCall.java contains the full implementation of the static invoke(...), as well as the signature of a private _invoke(...) method that is the actual implementation. An example use of RPCCall is provided in file EchoRPC.java.

The RPCService implementation is more complicated. There is an interface file for it, containing really only one method, registerHandler(). That method allows client code running on the same machine to expose some of its methods through RPC: the client "registers" itself and a set of its methods with the RPCService. When the RPCService receives an incoming invocation naming the client and one of its methods, it performs a callback to the client's code. A full implementation of EchoRPCService is provided as an example. It is client code to the RPCServiceCode. It registers its name ("echo") and one method ("echo"). Remote code can effect an invocation by contacting the RPCService on the target machine and specifying application echo and method echo.

RPCService basically demuxes incoming messages, sending them on to client code that has previously registered itself. It sits on a single TCP port waiting for connections. All RPC calls to that machine are directed to the port the RPCService is listening to.

6. DataXfer: Payload as a Single Reply

It's easy to convert ping to use RPC: you send an RPC to the remote echo service and wait for a response. Implementing dataxfer is trickier, because of a mismatch between its communication pattern and that of RPC: dataxfer is one message from client to server followed by many messages back. RPC is one message in each direction.

Just implement dataxfer so that the client sends a length as an argument and the server returns that many bytes in a single reply. (In future projects we would have worked around this issue to send large amounts of data; can you imagine how you might do this?)

7. Ping and DataXfer Protocols

Having introduced RPC, there are now two interfaces of interest: the Java interfaces that we're used to, and the RPC interfaces. The Java interfaces describe the methods available to other Java code running in the same JVM. The RPC interfaces describe the methods available to any code, running anywhere.



The ping client should implement the java interface given in file PingInterface.java.

Because PingRPC uses EchoRPCService as the service it talks to, it expects the 'header' JSONObject passed into PingRPC.ping(...) to look like:


Note that the testing code will pass in a different header.

The 'args' JSONObject that PingRPC will send to RPCCall.invoke(...) looks like:


where <headerJSONObject> should be replaced with the header JSONObject passed into ping(...).


Ping invokes EchoRPCService, whose full implementation was distributed. EchoRPCService has RPC app name "echorpc". It exports one method, echo(). echo() accepts a JSONObject argument containing an arbitrary number of fields of arbitrary names, each holding a String. It expects that there will be one field, "header", with will contain a JSONObject, which must in turn contain the field "tag" mapped to "echo". That is, the minimum required argument to echo() should contain:


ehco() returns whatever JSONObject argument is passed to it, modifying the "tag" field in the "header" object to say "okay" rather than "echo". For example, a response to a normal ping request would look like:


Note that the response given by the test service will be different.


The data xfer client should implement the Java interface given in file DataXferInterface.java.

The format of the JSONObjects used in this protocol are theoretically flexible, as long as the transfer length is sent and data is returned. To be compatible with the solution code, DataXferRPC expects the 'header' JSONObject passed into DataXferRPC.DataXferRate(...) and DataXferRPC.DataXfer(...) to look like:


Where <xferLen> is an int that is the amount to transfer.

Note that the testing code will pass in a different header.

The 'args' JSONObject that DataXferRPC will send to RPCCall.invoke(...) looks like:


where <headerJSONObject> should be replaced with the object passed into DataXferRate(...) and DataXfer(...).

The response the client should get back from the DataXferRPCService is detailed below in the service description. Note that the response for the test app will be different.

To convert the returned String value back to a byte[], the client must invoke Base64.decode().


The data transfer service should be implemented by class edu.uw.cs.cse461.service.DataXferRPCService. Its RPC app name is "dataxferrpc". It exports a single method, dataxfer(), that, in the abstract, returns a byte[].

In practice, we have a bit of extra data packed in the response value as part of our protocol. The response returned to the client should look like:

      "xferLength": <xferLen>
   "data": "Base64.encode(byte[])"

Thus, given what the client sends and what the service returns, we can construct the signature of the data transfer RPC method as:


{"header": {"tag": "xfer", "xferLength": int } }

method name:


return value:

{"header": { "tag": "okay", "xferLength": int}, "data": "Base64.encode(byte[])" }

More on Base64 encoding
JSONObjects don't support byte[] fields. To deal with that, the data xfer service base 64 encodes the byte array into a string with Base64.encode(byte[]).

(Note that this is done at the application layer - it's not a feature of the RPC system.) Base 64 encoding converts a byte[] to a String, increasing the length of the data as it does so. Therefore, if a client requests a 10,000 byte transfer, the code will transfer a string of more than 10,000 characters. That's okay. It's an overhead inherent in the design of our RPC system and its decision to use JSONObjects for argument and return values. (Any application trying to transfer a byte[] using our RPC system will pay this, or some, penalty.)

The Base64 class was included as part of the original source distribution, in the util project.

8. What to Implement

  • The caller and callee sides of RPC.
  • Console versions of ping and dataxfer clients.
  • The dataxfer service.

9. Testing

Note: You are not required to conform to the JSON 'args' and 'value' structures of the solution / testing code. However, to test against the solution and run the testers, you will need to.

Step 1: Update solution
Download 461solutionP3.jar from /cse/courses/cse461/13wi/461solution/461solutionP3.jar. Running the solution and choosing the 'version' app should produce "Version 1.1.5 3/3/2013".

Step 2: Update test jars
Download Tester.jar from /cse/courses/cse461/13wi/Tester.jar and replace the one in your Lib/ directory. Running java -jar Tester.jar should produce "Version 1.1.5 3/3/2013".

Step 3: Add new tests to client config file
In your client config file, add to the test.driver.console.apps entry the following classes:

  • edu.uw.cs.cse461.consoleapps.grading.PingRPCTester
  • edu.uw.cs.cse461.consoleapps.grading.DataXferRPCTester

Step 4: Ensure your 'args' and 'value' JSON Objects for PingRPC and DataXferRPC are formatted the way the solution code expects.
This has been detailed above in the 'ping' and 'dataXfer' client and server sections.

In theory, you can structure the 'args' objects in any way that both your client and server understand. But for compatibility with the solution code, you must conform to the format that they expect.

Step 5: Run against the solution jar
Try running your code as the client with the solution as the server, and vice versa. Run both the PingRPC and DataXferRPC methods.

Step 6: Run the tests
To exercise your client-side implementation, run PingRPCTester and DataXferRPCTester. (Note that this will only test your RPCCall invoke and client-side apps. For testing your server-side code, use the solution jar as a client, as in step 5).

10. What to Turn In

Submit a single file in the format of the previous projects. Include in it all files you've changed or implemented. To reduce the odds that you forget to include something, we'll remind you that you should have:
  • PingRPC.java (consoleapps.solution)
  • DataXferRPC.java (consoleapps.solution)
  • DataXferRPCService.java (service)
  • Your entire (net.rpc) package, including
    • RPCCall.java
    • RPCService.java
    • Any additional classes you changed or modified. It's fine to just turn in the whole package.
  • Any additional files you modified (such as the config files)

Please also include a very brief README file (.txt or .pdf) which describes your approach for persistent connections, along with with any additional design decisions you want us to notice. If you modified and are turning in any other files, please list them here, too. This is not meant to take you much time, but to help us in looking through your project and what you've done.

We're not asking for a report, but make sure to run pingrpc and dataxferrpc and compare results with their raw and TCPMessageHandler counterparts.

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