HW 4: Flooding and Neighbor Discovery


In this assignment, you will work in teams of two to develop a Java program to serve as a Fishnet node. The goals of this first Fishnet assignment are to engage you in a team, to become familiar with the Fishnet development environment and to understand packet forwarding concepts.

Your node will participate with those written by other students in an emulated network run on the Trawler and exchange simple messages.


Before you write any code, make sure you read and work through the Introduction to Fishnet handout. This covers basics such as the Fishnet development environment and how to set up a Fishnet network.

Also, make sure you attend Tomas's Thurs section on the 9th of February, where he will review the basics of Fishnet.

You should stop reading here until you've finished going through the background Fishnet documentation.

What To Develop

Your assignment is to modify proj/Node.java so that it acts as a Fishnet node with the following two types of functionality. Note that the version of Node.java we provide already supports a basic "ping" protocol; you should be careful to keep that portion of the code working, as we will need it for part 2. In addition to your code, you will turn in a brief document (probably less than a page) stating your design decisions. You may want to write this before starting your code and update it as you proceed.
  1. Flooding. Your node "floods" each packet it handles so that it is sent to all other nodes. You must decide exactly how your flooding function will work (there is probably more than one choice) but it must be accomplished subject to the following constraints:

    The reason you are implementing flooding is that, without it or some more complicated alternative, one node cannot send a message to a distant node in the network unless they share the same link (eg, on a different LAN, out of radio range, etc). Flooding uses other, in-between nodes to relay or forward the message. Further, we will need flooding in the next assignment, since it is used as a component of other network protocols, such as link-state routing (Peterson 4.2). Depending on your implementation, flooding can be an efficient way to provide point-to-all broadcast communication, and of course flooding is very inefficient as a way to send a point-to-point message from one node to another. However, flooding will get us started with networking and motivate the need for more efficient techniques (routing) in subsequent assignments.

    A good flooding design (or network protocol in general) will use no more packet transmissions or node resources than necessary to accomplish its function. As you develop your design, you should check that it works (all nodes receive a copy of each transmission they need to process and yet the flood eventually stops) and see how many packets you are using to make it work. You should do this for several different topologies (see topogen.rb for some options).

  2. Neighbor Discovery. Your node continuously probes the network at a low rate to discover its immediate neighbors in the network topology. Again, you devise a solution within these constraints:

    The reason you are implementing neighbor discovery is to provide some way to find out when your node comes into contact with other class nodes. You may want to print some message to alert you of this situation.

    A good design will use very little bandwidth yet keep a reasonably accurate set of neighbors. As a challenge, note that we can implement neighbor discovery with echo packets and flooding without having packets be processed at any nodes except the neighboring nodes!

    The above constitutes the intellectual bulk of your assignment. It is probably simplest to implement the functions in the order they are given above. As you write your program, note that our (fairly verbose) sample solution is not especially long. If you are writing hundreds of lines of code then you are probably doing something the hard way and should talk to us about it. Make sure you comment your code so that your protocol design choices are apparent to us. Good comments don't belabor the obvious (e.g., "calling the main loop"). Rather, good comments tell us how you have arranged your code and assumptions you have make, as well as anything non-obvious.

Design Philosophy

There are two key issues to bear in mind as you design your solutions, for this assignment and all future ones.

Robustness Principle. An important rule of thumb in building network protocols is "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others." (RFC 793, Transmission Control Protocol). This helps different implementations of a protocol (e.g., the sample solution, your program, and your classmates' programs) to work together reliably. This principle means you should be careful to send packets that strictly comply with the intended usage of the packet formats as described in packet.rb so that other nodes can handle them, but you should do the best you can with whatever packets you receive from other nodes. Of course, you will get it right, but they will send broken packets. In particular, other nodes shouldn't be able to crash your node by sending it bad packets. If your node does crash, it's your responsibility to find out what happened and fix it.

Interoperable Designs It is also possible that different students will design protocols that are not compatible with each other, even if everyone' s code is robust as defined above. We hope that strict adherence to the packet formats and their intended usage will result in compatible protocols, without any further need for specifications or constraints on your designs, but we can't guarantee this. Therefore, you must check that your design is legal in that it interoperates with the reference executable that we provide. You must do this in your own, private fishnet before attempting to join the shared, class emulated network running on attu or you may interfere with the proper functioning of the class network. It is everyone' s responsibility to work towards compatible, interoperable protocol designs by checking for incompatibilities and discovering what further design details we need to make together, as a class. This is a very real issue in the Internet, and part of what you will learn during the course.

Discussion Questions

  1. Now that you have written an event driven program, describe one advantage and one disadvantage of this style of programming.

  2. Flooding includes a mechanism to prevent packets from circulating indefinitely, and the TTL field provides another such mechanism. Why have both? What would happen if we only had flooding checks? What would happen if we had only the TTL?

  3. When your node pings a remote node using its particular destination address (rather than the network broadcast address), how many requests does the remote node receive and why? How many responses does your node receive and why?

  4. When your node pings a remote node using its particular destination address (rather than the network broadcast address), how many request and response packets do other nodes handle? How many of these packets are unnecessary, and could probably be eliminated with smarter networking protocols?

  5. Describe one design decision you could have made differently (for this thought experiment, you are allowed to change Fishnet) and the pros and cons compared to the decision you made.

Write only a few, short sentences for each of these questions.


For this and future assignments, you need to demonstrate that your node works in the class network as well as turn in both electronic and paper material as follows.

For the due date:

  1. Use the simulator to run scripts/floodtest.fish and scripts/discoverytest.fish. Capture the entire output of the simulation using, for example, the script command. Make sure debugging is on so that we can see what packets are being sent and received. Mark up the printout to tell us what is going on. It is very important that you markup only important output so that it is clear what is going on. Points may be deducted if the output is very dense and it is not apparent what is going on!

  2. Use the turnin program on the Linux servers to electronically submit one or more java files containing the entire contents of the proj directory ­ in other words, all the files containing the source code for your solution. You must do this before class on the day that it is due. The code you send us should run correctly if we invoke lib/Fishnet in the class distribution.

  3. In class on the due date, hand in one stapled hard copy write up, with both partners' names on it, containing:

Grading guidelines

Each part of the project is graded on a 5 point (0-4) scale, multiplied by the weight of the part. The weighted grades from all parts of the project are added together to produce the final grade.

The five point scale is based on how well you show your understanding of the problem, and in case of code how well your implementation works:

0 - nothing turned in
1 - show minimal understanding of the problem / most things don't work
2 - show some understanding of the problem / some things work
3 - show a pretty good understanding of the problem / most things work
4 - show excellent understanding of the problem / everything works

The weights for the parts are: