Turnin for HW2


o	Homework 2 will be submitted in 2 parts.  You will need to use the -p flag to indicate which of the portions
you are turning in.  Please be careful to be consistent with the filenames specified here and those described in the
homework assignment.
	The first portion of the assignment is due on Friday.  This will consist of parts 2 and 3 of the homework
assignment.  Please follow the instructions contained in the homework assignment to create the tar files and submit
as follows:

turnin -c cse461 -p hw2p1 lucky.tar SolutionsHW2.tar

	The second portion is due Sunday night and consists of part 1 of the homework assignment.  Please be careful to
create the tar file as instructed and turn this in with:

turnin -c cse461 -p hw2p2 reliable.tar