HW1 Turnin


Homework 1 is due by midnight at the end of Thursday the 12th. Please turn in a tar file contai ning the following files:

  • webserver.c
  • webclient.c
  • Makefile (your program should compile by calling "make" with no arguments)
  • typescript.client
  • typescript.server
  • README (optional) This should include any information that might help in grading of the assignment. Please include information regarding known bugs and limitation of your program. This is especially important if your program does not run correctly

  • Please create a tar file. This can be accomplished with the following instruction:

    tar cvf hw1.tar webserver.c webclient.c Makefile typescript.client typescript.server README

    cvf tells the tar program to create a tar archive (c), to provide verbose feedback (v), and to output to a file (f). Please do not create subdirectories to be included in the tar archive. In addition please use the filenames specified in this document and the assignment sheet including hw.tar

    If you wished to unpack the archive use:

    tar xvf hw.tar
    To turn in the file on attu enter the following command:

    turnin -c cse461 hw.tar

    For more information see the turnin command documentation