Fishnet project 4 grading criteria Each part of the project is graded on a 5 point (0-4) scale, multiplied by the weight of the part. The weighted grades from all parts of the project are added together to produce the final grade. The five point scale is based on how well you show your understanding of the problem, and in case of code how well your implementation works: 0 - nothing turned in 1 - show minimal understanding of the problem / most things don't work 2 - show some understanding of the problem / some things work 3 - show a pretty good understanding of the problem / most things work 4 - show excellent understanding of the problem / everything works The weights for the parts of project 4 are: Fishnet application interface: 1/5 of total grade Fishster application: 1/5 of total grade Write-up of your design decisions: 1/5 of total grade Answers to discussion questions: 1/5 of total grade Fishfone demonstration: 1/5 of total grade