Motion Feedback: M 500 - render front and back arms on different planes (->Rob) - frame 52-56: take away linear spline - fix left arm going through yurt - three really similar poses starting at ~50, take a couple away - poses at about 42 and 46, weight shift needs to be more to the left (moreso on 42) - try to get it so the dress doesn't go through the boots - move whole body in wave, overlap on arm M 700 - focus on two/three-step hug (not getting all pieces into position one part at a time) - ~frame 75 starting pose - put beginning of galloping hors in - main motion in squeeze, focus on that first and foremost oyon_walk - SPEND AN HOUR ON IT (already reads from a distance) - hip, shoulder movement, kind of stiff now - head down, sad A 650 - Oyon: pigeon like motion on head (forward head movement, backward body movement)... eliminate: more follow through by tilting head down instead of forward D 800 - get rid of stepped hand movement (POP) - frame 89/90 - take out the mouth motion (no open) U 200 - make door motion 1.5 times slower - parent log onto hands U 1500 - no head shake - neutralize mouth U 1700 - slow-in slow-out - rest of body needs to move with the head - neutralize mouth in order to avoid "ape mouth" and/or "duck mouth" D 1900 - note: please change body motion as well - mouth can open but don't shut it, hold on the open mouth - do moving hold after pose on frame 52, don't move Mei back - move quicker into pose on frame 52 A 1000 - more of a pointing pose in beginning of shot on Mei hand - trace path, angle hand in the direction of the path - tracing the path could go faster - Oyon's hand should hold the cup fully from the beginning, fingers shouldn't tighten around it as it moves into frame - bring Oyon's hand in a little earlier (10 frames?) I 900 - add about five seconds of Mei baby crying in to the beginning of the shot Facial Expressions: A 1100 -> Elizabeth A 400: done! D 1300: done! U 1300: done! A 650: done! A 1300: - close eyes in hug G 200: - closed mouth fake smile A 300: - wait till render D 900: - end shot after shock, do moving hold - need white on eyes - eyebrows start lower, go higher on shock (right now it's the other way around) - see robert_ref.tif in iteration file