M 600 - Dave - one continuous shot with camera movement? - longer happy/surprise in beginning I 1000 - need to see in motionmatic I 1200 - hide scarf - lean forward, look down at baby - tone down surprise a little bit overall A 700 - second blink too slow - head "pop" at 41-42 - close mouth more - contain end of breathing, second and third should be shorter (less extreme body motion, too) - have Mei's hands arc up into frame, less floaty on the moving hold A 800 - path of Mei's right hand still awkward, see Robert - get rid of claw-like Mei hand pose in beginning - when Oyon takes hand out from under Mei's, just have Mei's be limp, fall down TODO G 200 - hand going up to pause: arc, slow-in to pause - take reference for wrist/forearm (+ upper arm) interaction in wave - don't get hand too close to head - wrist movement too fast, too much - should be slower wave overall G 400 - Oyon shouldn't be looking up - don't sway upper body that much - shoulder should work with arm G 600 - Dave - work on timing in turn D 1800 - divide into two motions - on pause scissors can swing down I 1400 - Oyon movement at end a bit robotic - have Oyon's shoulders rotate instead of neck - small Mei arc thing C 900 - thumb out to side, more natural - motion motivated by palm - start with more clear tracing with finger (only index finger, other fingers curled in more), transition to a more spread hand - just have Mei trace down, using hand position at frame 45 as starting point - Mei on left, Oyon on right