M 400 - scarf - close mouth a bit M 600 - scarf follow through on hug U 1500 - slow in slow out (very low priority) U 1700 - slow in slow out - eye open more naturally - small amount of mouth motion (very little) - eyes squint toward end - move body with head A 1100 - tone down smile (if possible) D 1800 - wrist bent too far - fingers should go limp more naturally - see Robert for scissor fall U 400 - define motion more (fix floatiness) U 600 - hesitate at first stop - when picking up scissors, rotate hand in U 900 - get rid of body motion pop, then see Robert for help on scarf motion M 500 - have left hand linger on top of yurt door - work on wave overlap (joint breaking) M 200 - when horse comes in, have Mei turn head farther to notice horse - clouds drifting behind? affected by horse running by? - mouth open/close less floaty (hold mouth open for a little bit, close faster... but not too fast) M 700 - smooth animation, remove pops - horse