Notes from Dave's session courtesy of Brian (RW) and Ryan (CW). Real World motion notes: age_0300: Mouth could be a little more open, maybe add a head wobble that's offset from the body movement - almost like a dizzy spell, lightheaded age_0500: Keep left hand in its earlier position, hand clutching could start earlier. Original right hand pose could be a little more tense. age_1000: Feels a slittle floaty, but has a nice gentle feeling so far. Mei's hand: maybe add a thumb grasp? some response to her mother's touch. Oyon's ring finger - wierd? Make sure Oyon grasps then stops (otherwise looks too robotic). age_1100: Close the cabinet doors. What is Mei thinking? Worry, fear, sadness, she knows she has to leave. Turn her face more towards the camera? Or move the camera... ? age_1200: Both worry and reassurance - she seems very frail at the moment (think stoic). Mei placed too high? Camera angle or focal length issues? age_1300: strange freeezes... longer pause with hand on arm. Not enough eye contact. Motion should lead the eye... goodbye_0100: Release of the hands should be slower, longer pose when they're holding hands. Oyon knows she won't see Mie again, hand should linger in the air. Watch Mei's right knee and (mechanical) left arm. goodbye_0200: IK vs. FK Arm seems heavy - initial movement too slow. Head seems stiff. Also watch the shoulder angle, more side-to-side with the hand. goodbye_0600: Make this sequence more internal. Torse and the head move together, you should stagger them more. Body moving first could suggest reluctance to leave. Sigh - hold on the "low" pose. The lunge towards the camera is strange. Keep subtlety in mind... death_0200: Right arm seems overextended, watch the collapsing shoulder The pose feels a little off-balance, bring the arms down? death_0300: Her butt needs to move farther back. Right arm seems strange, too high up? watch model deformation... Less motion maybe (especially from the neck down)? The bottle is the focus, not her. death_0800: There's some weird scarf styuff going on. Feels a little floaty, the arms could settle faster. Maybe try out a shiver? death_0900: Less shock, please. Head should move more independently from the body. Back to the Front View? death_1000: Offset the arm movement more, switch right arm to IK death_2000: Less time between the scissor drop and the hand drop. coping_0300: Bottle should be held up at her side, hand needs work. Watch the intersection of Oyon's fingers with the yurt wall (awkward). unfinished_0900: More waist-down movement (but not much), feels a little static. Turn off the perma-scarf. unfinished_1800: Is there a better camera angle we could use? Tension on the thread - a bigger push up during the anticipation would be nice. Should the hand be visible? Cloth World motion notes: Intro 1100 -regular timing- stagger it a little more, choose key poses and exaggerate them -arms waving around too regular -move mother's hands more -more exaggeration on anticipation before baby grabs scarf Intro 1300 -maybe show more of a struggle under the scarf -baby starts off unhappy, but sees Oyon and becomes happy -put an arc into Oyon's hand movement - fast in, slow out -right side of the screen empty, need to do something about the dead space Magic 500 -3 really distinctive poses - CW animators should strive for this -maybe key the transparency in the legs? -timing is uneven which is natural Magic 600 -hug is good, Mom should hug her back -get rid of 3D camera move -Oyon's face needs to be just as happy -need to see both faces -Oyon is static - give her some anticipation -run must look believable -take the red scarf off Oyon