A 100 - do whole shot with Oyon happy (no hint of sickness) A 300 - don't move head down at end (keep head up) - Oyon can finish her breath, just don't collapse chest - don't put hand on chest, use breathing/expression to sell the beginning of pain A 500 - more 3/4 view like the story reel so we can see Oyon's face - start with one hand (left) on chest, put second hand on chest at beginning of shot - sickness/pain is mostly internal, as Oyon is stoic - don't make melodramatic but make it clear - see Robert for reference: - 1) no jolts of pain/heaving motions - 2) two poses: one sick, one a a little more extreme, but not past the pose you see in the storyboard - 3) expression: use Gary Faigin's pain expression, but no more than 30% intensity A 600 - let's just not see Oyon in the background (reframe shot) A 700 - don't look up at Mei in the end of the shot, have both hands on chest C 700 - figure out camera/timing/cloud FIRST - simplify curve, make as clean as possible C 800 - don't work on till next week - starts with a neutral expression then moves to sad (see mouth) - check with Andy to make sure the camera does not move - stick with profile expression (hide left eyebrow and eye) - just eliminate motion: more of a subtle weight shift than any true movement, most of the movement will be in the scarf C 900 - iterate: finish motion path, make correct distance away D 900 - take away the pull back completely, no moving head back - makes pain too external - surprise too much, half of this - focus on just the eyes - 1) slight surprise, 2) settle into pain using current eyes, more neutral mouth D 1100/1200 - exaggerate feet kicking more - should drop slower, let gravity do the work - follow through on mouth - bottle needs work A 1000 - move hands to right 3rd - Mei's hand less floaty - slow Oyon's hand onto Mei's, have Oyon squeeze Mei's hand at end - work on timing D 2000 - take reference on scissor fall (bouncing ball "physics"!) - bounce in fingertips, then dies