Brian C 200 - see own notes C 600-900 - see Andrea feedback I 500, D 1100, D 1200, D 1300, D 1600 - no update Elizabeth A 400, A 800 - no update Happy I 1400, A 1000, D 2000 - no update Daren M 100 - see previous notes U 400,D 2100, M 200 - no update Jimmy I 300, I 400, U 1800, D 1800, U 1600 - no update Ryan D 900 - don't pull Oyon back at all, shoulder motion is nice (make subtler though) - expressions: surprise/shock, then fear (see reference in facial expressions book) - should be communicated mostly through the face - transition to shock should be short C 800 - need to see with facial expressions - hide mountain tip - needs the birds in there, set up motion paths - try not to put the bird flying in front of Mei's face - more inbetween frames - Marianne: light slowly moving down (simulate sunset) C 900 - Oyon should already be sewed on the quilt and Mei is missing her - have Mei trace the edge of Oyon's figure with her index finger, hand pose relaxed, light touch - both hand and cloth figure should be bigger - Brian is responsible for making sure that we have stitches in the shape of CW Mei, see Brian for shape I 200, D 600, U 700 - no update Andrea C 700 - follow through on tail - body should move a bit in the cycle - head has to lead, body follows, then tail follows through - flaps faster - bird forward movement should correspond with the flaps - quick in the beginning, then more of a swoop (on glide) - end of the bird motion should stay in frame (join other birds in circling) Marianne M 600, C 300, I 1000, I 1200 - no update