6/8/2009 Agenda


- Your Screening
- Animators --  please use your facial expression packets.  You need to match the expressions to the shots :-) 
- Dan and Tracey should work together to make sure skydomes work in the next rendermatic (for Monday morning Dailies)

- Notes from Fridays Dailies on the Poster:
- Real world/cloth world need to be more integrated. The transition "between worlds" should occur in top third of the portrait oriented poster where the clouds mix. Should try scaling the clouds so that they are different sizes to indicate depth and make space for real world and cloth world clouds to intermix. This will also make it easier to bring the real world clouds in front of and behind the cloth world clouds to look like we're transitioning from one world to the next as we move up the poster. 
- When the cloth world clouds appear toward the top third of the poster, they appear on the clothworld background. If you need to darken the CW background that is in the current file, to fit the magical background in the bottom 2/3 of the poster, it would be better to match the color in the RW bottom 2/3 of the poster in order to avoid too abrupt a color change.
- Horse running on side of yurt (we should reduce the number of horses to one) should be toned down by 50% so that it looks like it is running inside a glowing yurt.  Add more glow to the yurt. 
- Make title a little smaller ad try non calligraphic approach


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Review Cameras/Timing
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Review Shading
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review Transitions