Naming Convensions: seq_##__####.ext Example: seq_08_war_0600.mb -No caps -only 'a' to 'z', '0' to '9', '.', and '_' -Place your file in the correct directory File Placement: -Put files in the appropriate folder in the heirarchy. Put textures in the texture folder, models in the models folder, etc. -Save in iterations, keep the file in the top level of the folder the named the same, transfer it to the 'iterations' directory, and rename it with a '_v001', '_v002', and so on. Do not number the actual file with a new iteration number, this could foul up a file reference. -Do not keep files used in production in your student folder, keep everything under the main production folder tree. This is to preserve file references, and keep files in predicatble places. -Keep files in their appropriate stage in the pipeline. Pipeline: Motion > Effects > Lighting > Rendering > Post Initially motion makes the maya file by REFERENCING the set and characters. Once this is done, no more referencing should be done, as this is problematic when it comes time to render. As files move through the pipeline, they should be copied between folder heirarchies for each stage of the pipeline. Iterations folders: In every shot folder there should be an iterations folder. The actual shot file should end with no version numbers. Files ending in version numbers should be kept in the iterations folder. This is so that there is no mistake about which is the most current file for a specific shot, as well as to keep any possible references up to date. Folder Heirarchy: /production4/production / /seq_##_ /seq_##__#### /seq_##__####.ext /iterations /seq_##__####_v###.ext /seq_##__####_v###.ext Referencing Textures: In order for the render farm to work, all textures need to be referenced with file names containing no caps. The production server should not be a mapped as a drive (example: O: ), and it should not contain the fully qualified domain name of the server, but instead the shortname of the server. Good: //ntdfs/cs/unix/projects/instr/production4/...... Bad: // Will not work with linux! Bad: O:\unix\projects\instr\production4\....... will also not work with linux!