490a SP 03'

Dailies Meeting Notes: 5/05


 Meeting Notes: (Additional to Action Items)


Absent: chad,billy
Called in:

General Announcements:
Title needed.
Brian Tomorrow
Group name needed
Props, Modelers and Rigging:

Car - turntable
Scale of button for eye
Rig descriptions still needed
Scarecrow progress
Squirrel, complete
Secondary geometry on crows

Motion and Animatics:

Animatics tuesday
Character descriptions
3 Test shots for leads – Thursday completion

Lighting/ Shading:
Test post process style, (Arash)
Set lighting should begin soon.
Bunny shading. Bump maps helping
Set ground tested
Test color on Loki, and output to tape.

Concept Art/Reference/Layout:

Intro Title concept presented and works.


Flocking, lighter method tested, End of I100 and I200 can be used for Duel
Smoke Title test / Friday
Corn Patches, first iteration would be useful for scenes, Ben for set.
Team getting together soon, start thinking about sound

HW/ RenderFarm:

Play Blast issue
Will it work for particle systems? Tentative answer is yes.