490a SP 03'

Dailies Meeting Notes: 5/09


 Meeting Notes: (Additional to Action Items)


Called in: Kiera

General Announcements:
Everyone should now have access to 228
Old projector fixed - kinda
Roll sleeping bags
cover food
Title - needed
Group name needed
Props, Modelers and Rigging:

Turntable for car
Scale of button for eye
Scarecrow progress, crease on left arm, smooth jaw area
Secondary geometry on crows

Motion and Animatics:

Possibility to break scarecrows ropes vs. untie his rope
3 Test shots for leads – Thursday completion
Animatics 98% complete

Lighting/ Shading:
background for title sequence which will be painted by shading
Test post process style, (Arash)
Set lighting should begin soon.
Bunny shading. Bump maps helping
Set ground tested
Test color on Loki, and output to tape.

Concept Art/Reference/Layout:

Intro Title concept presented and works.


Figure out resolution
Dust – cowboy style
Flocking, lighter method tested, End of I100 and I200 can be used for Duel – new flocking for test shot
Make Mojo - updated
Smoke Title test / Friday
Corn Patches, first iteration would be useful for scenes, Ben for set.
Team getting together soon, start thinking about sound

HW/ RenderFarm:

228 should be available by the 6th June
Rendering seems to be Slowing CPU’s and Network to the point of difficulty for other work
Linux software in.