490a SP 03'

Dailies Meeting Notes: 4/30


 Meeting Notes: (Additional to Action Items)


Absent: Ben,Billy,Chad
 Called in:

General Announcements:
Games people today rm220 4:30.
Marty Thursday 3:30 sieg
Brian McDonald Fri ~10:00am
Title needed.
Props, Modelers and Rigging:

Car done by morrow
Blendshapes due today
Scale of button for eye
Rig descriptions still needed
Rigging hierarchies need to be correct for lighting
Scarecrow progress
Squirrel, additional issues to be solved, scale of Scarecrow, button to squirrel
Secondary geometry on crows
Sets should be done by Friday

Motion and Animatics:

While reviewing, Before and after Animatics and looking at reference
Character descriptions
Review first set of shots Friday
3 Test shots for leads – Thursday completion
Next Tuesday first deadline for review of Animatics

Lighting/ Shading:
Test post process style, (Arash)
Set lighting should begin soon.
Bunny shading started. Bump maps helping
Ground, suggestion darker shade. Rocks issue
Thursday lighting review day
Test shot – lighting and shading
Test color on Loki, and output to tape.

Concept Art/Reference/Layout:

Reference update, new list with ZHI
Intro Title concept presented and works. Possible dust on dust issue, Arash/Zhi - Mon


Flocking, high poly crows are very heavy. Testing lighter methods.
Smoke Title test / Friday
Corn Patches, first iteration would be useful for scenes, working with Ben for set.
Team getting together soon, start thinking about sound

HW/ RenderFarm:

Play Blast issue
Will it work for particle systems? Tentative answer is yes.