Render Tweaks

More Final Render Tweaks

Note: lighting folks -- please be careful to try to make the lighting
consistent. Try looking at the shots that are before and after your shot
for reference -- and try to go find similar shots in the film to

Shot 28

Correct for "dirty face" look
More light from the top?

Shot 31

DONE except the addition of the hallway. Great lighting.
Use this shot for reference to match!

Shot 32

Lighting finalled (super terrific)

Shot 34 
Fix eyes-- Mr P.
Mr P "dirty face" look
Too dark.

Shot 35

Fix eyes -- shaders for eyes
Change eyebrows
Shadow under noe is too dark.
Decrease shadow intensity

Shot 36
bring out front face light for Tess
Bring light down on eye.
"dirty face" look

Shot 43

Face is too light/bright/Body too dark

Shot 44

Light the eyes a bit brighter

Shot 45

rim light too strong
Check back of head/hair
decrease the key light
Hot spot on nose and check dark shadows under nose for side view ofMr P.

Final Render Tweaks

Camera changes from final review

Straighten the postcard on the final transition between the hallway and the park world and make the pan in

Take the head out of the second hallway shot

Add time to the beginning of shot 42 so we hold on the park scene before starting to move back to reveal the

shot 32 close up of Mr. P The camera needs to slow down and ease into its stop.

Motion Changes from Final Review

Shot 6 -- will be tranferred to someone else -- maybe Sean.

Shot 7-8 -- extend pose so that Mr P inquires where they go?

Shot 9 -- end of shot 8 only... Mr P's expressions and make his body move slightly at end of shot ( just to
keep him live)

Shot 22 - Head tilt

Shot 42 -- Mr P notices Oscar but doesn not nod at him.

Shot 44 -- Oscar looks at Mr P -- doesn't look down. Slow movement of head (he's very depressed)

Shot 45 -- add more time around the fishing pose where Oscar mimics reeling in a fish.. Chelsea -- meet with
me so I can explain...

Shot 46 -- Same as before -- TAKE all the time you need to make this crystal clear.... it's the most
important acting moment in the film....( nopressure here huh)

Shot 48 -- Oscar reels in the line and follows the camera motion to the boat... we want to make the reeling
in movement similar to the one we want to add to shot 45...

Render tweaks for the first set of shots...

General fixes --


Ruby needs some help -- I think Caroline may have fixed this today...

Abby's hair needs to be fixed -- looks like a hatchet found the back of
her head...( and she's so sweet!)

We need more light on the elevator and the elevator gate -- **** shots
where the elevator doors are OPEN need to be consistent and *** shots with
the elevator doors are closed need to be consistent as well!!!!!!!

We need to link a light to each eye for each one of the characters. 

Have all shots where motion needs shadows of elevator doors and gate
shutting use the SAME motion. Kris did a good jib getting this to work.

two more general notes -- WHEN RENDERING we need to figure out how to make
sure that the machines are rendering with both processors when noone is
logged on AND we are going to need to come up with a babysitting schedule
as rendering in Sieg gets closer and closer...

All Mouth bags for ALL characters need to be shaded and teeth in place.
The insides of the mouths are really problematic...

OK -- for individual shots, see below******

Shot 8

Import latest Ruby model.
Check intersections of dress with skin...and the way the shoulders are

Possibly drop Jack's head a bit softer at the end of the shot.

Check light and shadow on Jack's left arm

Check hair shaders for both characters ( Peter?)
Hair looks pretty bad ( especially Ruby's)

Jack's lips look a bit too red -- and somewhat smudgy.

Shot 11

Mouth Bag needs to be shaded.
Associate lights to both eyes ( check shot 20 and match what Boaz did if
you have questions)

Close lips duroing smile.
Correct shadow on hat.

Screen right collar pops?

tip of nose and lips are too hot. Bringup rim on right ear/head.

Eliminate shadow screen left.

Add just a touch of camera depth of field?

Shot 13

Ruby Shoulder -- check body and CV's

Hands too hot,. bring back of jacket up a bit ( lighten)

gates need more light.
Briing overall lighting up a bit.

Light on panel -- needs to be adjusted and matched to shot 14 -- set
diffuse to .2

Girl's hair -- pull down specular on her hair.

intersections on Mr P's pants.

Ruby's back needs a bit mor light.

Shot 19

Watch left shoulder pops.. and goes through vest... check vest.
Eyes need to be lit.
light on elevator walls -- light one wall to make sure there's depth in
the elevator.

Shot 20

lighten the elevator

lighten Mr P's jacket.

pull eyes down at end of shot.

link lights to eyes so that we can see them better 

mouthbag needs to be shaded

pops on right shoulder

sems to be blackness on edges of Mr P's uniform. Check to see if texture
has been rotated inadvertantly 90 degrees..

check uneven buttons on Mr P's shirt.

up light on elevator gate

Shot 26

Hand and arm intersect notebook. Fix

Fix Abby's crossed eyes.

up the amount of direct light on her.

arms intersect sleeves on left arm

looks kind of creepy -- like there's a light under her chin.. 
more direct light might help this.

screen left eyebrow is way too high. Bring it down...

All for now...