What's new? Coming up events & deadlines
Note: If a deadline or event isn't listed here, it does not necessarily imply that it does not exist. We are simply listing new/important deadlines or events here as an announcement to help you remember.
Every week:
- Monday, 9:00, animators' meeting
- Friday, 12:30, effects meeting
- Tuesday/Thursday, 10:30, entire class (2 hours)
Note: Also, Taproot Theater will be attending the Thursday meetings, and Darrek will continue to come on Tuesdays.
Candidates for painting:
Want to help paint? Here are the most important priorities:
Characters: girl, grandmother, elders, bird, shroud for grandfather
Others: Nurse log Trees
Wednesday, May 24
A school of music concert with computer-based music. Last year's animation film will be featured. 8 p.m. in Meany Hall. Tell them you're a CSE490ca student to get two tickets for the price of one ($4).
Wednesday, May 17
Animators please meet at 9 a.m.
Thursday, May 11
Finaling of shots in class:
- Andrew -- shot 1 and 2
- Varun -- Shot 3
- Caroline -- shot 4
- Carrie -- shot 5
- Josh and Chad -- shot 8
- Josh -- shot 35
- Chad -- shot 9
- Anthony -- shot 11/12 and more detail on Shot 13
- David -- shot 17
Tuesday, May 9
Everybody should show up for class, but here are some specifics to certain people:
Lighting and shading people: Lighting review in class.
Animators: How should we get the "clay" to appear to be sculpted? We should get some consistent idea and look--we'll bring this up tommorow wth Darrek. Have some ideas ready if you can.
Friday, May 5
Animators must have all shots blocked by 4 p.m.
Wednesday, May 3
Animators meet with Karen
Important: Animators need to have everything blocked for Karen's session, which starts at 9:30 a.m. in LA2.
Thursday, May 4
Library reference session
Various scenes and native art from the Pacific Northwest will be shown. Petersen room, 4th Floor, Allen Library, on Thursday May 4. Time: 2:30-4:30.