Notes from class and animators meeting on Tuesday, 5/16


Animators--see you at 9 AM tomorrow in LA2. We're going to look at some reference and at the most recent animatic.

Just FYI -- The staff decided to cut out shot 27.

We have a visitor tommorow -- an ex ILM and Wavefront guy. Animator and Mocap. We can pick his brain.

Please remember to use reference for each will be critical to your understanding of your shot.

First let me remind you that you are welcome to shift focus from one shot to another, especially if you are frustrated momentarily with the shot you've been obsessing with. The theory is that you'll come back to the shot refreshed. Second: I am including shot notes for animators based on the latest story reel we looked at tonight (Tuesday, 5/16) See below.
Notes on shots & models from class:

Shot 1: Torch placement can be less symmetrical. Perhaps place rocks around base of torches to look like they keep torches up.

Shot 5: Warm up clay colors. A reddish and blackish tone would be good. Make it stand out from rocks in the background. Clay texture should be less shiny, and its shape should be more spherical.

Shot 8: Animate tree branches to make them look more realistic, as trunks move more than branches right now. Put grass on left side of the screen as well as right, and have grass of various heights. Work on leaf and other shadows.

Feather: Needs to flutter in wind. Can do this by painting animated textures.

Notes on shots from animators meeting later that night:

Shot 1 we need to fix the camera move. Andrew knows about this and it wont affect the animation

Shot 2 Hold 1/2 to one second at end of shot where girl is still. Head needs to move in more pronounced way to indicate that she is looking in the direction of the elders <--Very important

Shot 3 Add girls face shapes. Need a cut in motion between this shot and the next. Needs to be much clearer. Have girl look down. CLEAR motionbetween Varun and Carolines shots.

Shot 4 Delete cubbie to clear up shape between granma and the grandpa. Longer hold on amulet aat the end of the shot

Shot 5 Lengthen shot at end. Longer hold on clay. Arrange to re pose the girl to get some of her body showing knees and upper body? We need to see the necklace.

Shot 6 Amulet drops to chest in the beginning of shot. Have girl look at grandfather. This is a very important acting shot.

Shot 7 transition from shot 6 looks OKconcerns about run downhill

Shot 8 the infamous shot eight. Check camera move ( noone seems to know whatthe last camera move was) Be careful to match girls movements to shot nine.

Shot 9 possible tweak to braids. Everything else is fine

Shot 10 -- Allow more time for leaves to blow in. Initially move the girl a lot slower than the current blocked girl.

Shot 11/12 Start behind the tree add 2 steps behind the tree for the girl to transition to the front of the tree.

Shot 13 USE reference. Hold for a moment before girl gets up for shot 14.

Shot 15 Shorten this shot by 5 seconds. Girl holds tree and stops.

Shot 17 -- No comments

Shot 18 Starts on left knee down to ground and then move to a kneel. Remove head tilt at end. 1/2 to 1 second hold at end of shot.

Shot 19 -- Needs to be animated layout looks alright.

Shot 20 Needs to be twice as long.Investigate moving feathers or ferns etc.

Shot 21 Keep head static and hold for transition extend by 2 seconds.

Shot 22 Make her stand up for consistence with other shot.Lengthen shot accordingly. Shot fades are OK as is.

Shot 22D Remove flickering light and no side movement just open.

Shot 26 Saty on feather longer jump of girl should occur later in the shot to avoid having her jump out of her arm.

Shot 28 1 or 2 seconds longer

Shot 29 -- a little longer ( 1 or 2 seconds)

**Fade to black between 29 and 33B

Shot 33B too early to make any coment

Shot 33C Camera move rotate down to clear more space on her head and shift to slightly more 3/4 view

Shot 34 Hold in beginning to match 33C. Shift camera to show knees? Be sure to keep hands static for a moment just after placing the object and before removing them. Lengthen the shot just a bit.

Shot 35 Hands come back from the cubbies in beginning of shot. Split the motion so that its clear what happens from 34 to 35.