Assigned: Friday, December 1st, 2017
Due: Friday, December 8th @ 10:00 AM
This is your final project. Congratulations! We will be focusing on locomotion - Starting with a character at a standstill, moving into a walk, and then moving from the walk to a run. For an extra credit opportunity, you have the choice to have the character slow down to a standstill stop after the run.
You will be using the blue-eyes character rig. The first step will be to record video reference, and then to create and upload a planning sheet. You'll cross a fair amount of ground, so recording this outside (or somewhere with a lot of room) will work to your favor.
You need to have a floor, a render_cam. Blue-Eyes needs to start at a stand still, needs to take at least 4 steps walking and 4 steps running. As extra credit, after running for a few steps, you can have blue-eyes slow to a stop again.
Turn the below into catalyst:
You will be submitting files for the specified check-in points above into Collect-It on Catalyst. Below is a list of criteria we will be using for grading, in addition to a list of the files you will need to turn in for each part of the assignment along with naming specifications.
Motion Check-In
Grading Criteria