Assignment #9:
Sit Breakdowns and Polish
Assigned: Thursday, November 21st, 2013
Due: Thursday, December 5th @ 4:00 PM
For the next two weeks you will be working on breakdowns and polishing your sit animation. Be sure to apply the feedback you received in class!
Grading Criteria and Turn-In Checklist:
You will be submitting your files into Collect-It on Catalyst. Below is a list of criteria we will be using for grading, in addition to a list of the files you will need to turn in for each part of the assignment along with naming specifications.
Also indicated are the minimum requirements for what we expect to review for your motion check-in.
Motion Check-In
- Week One
First pass of breakdowns or revised extremes.
- Week Two
First pass of polish.
Sit Breakdowns and Polish
- Grading Criteria
- 24 fps (no more 30 fps please)
- 1280x720 for the final playblast resolution
- Scenes should have a floor
- Camera framed appropriately on the action
- Principles of animation and posing that we have covered thus far
- Acting
- Does the scenario of your sit read?
- Is the character's motion appealing? Does it entertain? Make us feel something?
- Facial Expressions
- Do they read?
- Do they contribute to your narrative?
- Polish
- Are there any additional details that further sell your character? Eye blinks and movement, follow through and secondary motion, etc.
- No pops in the motion
- No overshooting tangents (feet through the ground)
- Motion is snappy, not floaty
- For Turn-In
- [lastname]_[firstname]
- [lastname]_[firstname]