Assigned: Thursday, November 29th
Due Dates: 12/11 @ 6:30 PM (Final Exam Time)
For your final assignment you will be collecting reference videos of people dancing, motion that will be important to your film. It is a two week project that will run concurrently with the sit assignment for the first week. This should be a fairly easy, non-time-intensive assignment that will give you time to focus on your signature shots while still preparing you for the motion you will animate in your film.
The assignment has two parts:
1. Found Reference. Find reference videos from films/TV shows/the Internet that show ideas for fun dance moves that would be appropriate for the time period of your film. A good reference video shows the dancer's entire body -- including his/her feet! -- and is clear and large enough that you can study how the dancer moves. To make the videos the most useful, make sure they're in a file type that will play in Quicktime.
2. Creating Reference. On Thursday of week 10, we'll have a dance lesson in animation class! This will give you an opportunity to create some reference of your own, and it will also give you a chance to feel how your own body moves when doing these sorts of dances, which will help when you go to animate them.
When we meet at the designated finals time, we'll go over the reference videos you collected.