MAGIC 700 3/16/2009 Notes

Reveal Order:
-start looking at blank cloth hanging from the wall
-a little breeze comes in and blows the cloth slightly
-wind picks up and cloth starts to blow more
-cloud reveals itself as wind continues to blow cloth
-cloud moves with the wind as two smaller clouds show up and follow the wind across the cloth

-show mei's face as she notices the clouds
-slight breeze is seen on the cloth behind mei which creates folds in the fabric
-the horse runs out from a fold in the fabric
-mei's head turns to follow the motion of the horse across the cloth
-foreground hills are being revealed behind the horse followed closely by mountains
-back hills rise up from foreground hills
-horse disappears off right side of frame
-yurt pops up on background hills
-smoke comes out of top of yurt and trails away blown by the breeze
-bird forms out of the end of the smoke and flies off right edge of scene
-sun comes up from behind mountains
-color spills in to sky as we zoom in to quilt world

The overall effect should be more gradual starting slowly and ramping up to build anticipation
Need to put in horse
Figure out what comes in what order and make a list (yay, we've done this)
Cloth needs to move more
Need to get finished textures in there
The mountains should grow up
Focus on selling transition and building anticipation

Sun rays should scale into each other
Middle of sun should keep moving
Arms should be more wavy and less twitchy

Each object should have it's own color of stitches
We liked big stitches rather than small ones
-work on rock composition