AGE 700 3/11/2009 Meeting Notes

-Elizabeth will finalize the cup model this afternoon and the shader will get an email.
-Andrea will conduct two steam tests (nCloth and fluid) by Friday's meeting.
-Rob will finish the bed model and email the shader by tonight.
-Rob will start modeling the chest and show something in class tomorrow.
-The medicine will be modeled by Andy, and an email was already sent about that to Barbara, Andy, Jimmy, and Nick.
-The board says the medicine jar will be modeled by Rob, but it's already done by Jimmy.
-Caroline will model a candel/jar to show in class tomorrow.
-Based on previous discussions with Barbara, it was decided that this shot takes place in late afternoon for the lighting; Caroline will email Barbara for confirmation.
-Andrea/Rob will make sure there is a new camera angle and layout by class tomorrow.
-Caroline will start the stove texture today.
-Caroline will have lighting on white models to show our group by Friday.
-Our next meeting is Friday at 12:30