- The ik handle should be created on the ik joint chain not the bind joint chain. the step should read as follows:
Create an ik handle from the left_upperLeg_ik_joint to the left_ankle_ik_joint.
Make sure this ik handle has a rotation plane solver(so it can have a knee anim).
You can make sure this happens by selecting RPSolver in the tool options.
Rename the ikHandle, "left_leg_ik".
Then create two more Ik handles. This two ik handles should be Single chain solver or SCSolver in the options box.
Create one from the ankle to the ball and one more from the ball to the toe.
Rename the first "left_foot_ik" and the other "left_toe_ik".
Now we can create the heirarchy for the foot.
Select the root_anim, select the root_fk_joint.
Create a parent constraint.
The root has control over the whole spine.
Select the cen_root_ik_joint, then the cen_root_bind_joint, create a parent constraint.
We are again going to point and orient constrain the spine anims.
The position of the joint will drive the anim.
For each of the fk spine anims, select the joint then the anim and create a point constraint.
The rotation of the spine anim will drive the joint.
For each of the fk spine anims, select the anim then the joint and create a orient constraint.
ok a small letter mixup. you want to connect the stretchyness of the spine to the ik joints. not the fk, or you will get a cycle. Step 3 of the stretchy spine section should read.
While still in the hypergraph, create a multiply node for each of your ik spine joints except the root.
In the hypergraph, select all the new multiply nodes. In the outliner select all the ik spine joints.
In the hypergraph press the input/output connections.
Rename the multiply node to a corresponding spine joint, spine_#_stretch_mult.
Copy, don't connect, the .translateX of the joint to the input2X of the corresponding multiply node.
Connect the .outColorR of the condition node to the .input1X of each multiply node.
Connect the .outputX of each multiply node to the .translateX of the corresponding joint.
- Step 5 of the knee section should read:
Select the foot anim.
Lock and hide the scales. Only hide the visibility(we need to change this later(fk-ik switching), but we don't want the animator to be able to key it).
Select the attrs -> right click -> lock and hide selected/hide selected.
Lock and hide the rotates, scales and again only hide visibility of the knee_anim.
The top con still has a problem with it's attrs.
Hide the scale attribute but don't lock them.
Add an attribute to the top con called "globalScale", make it a float.
Set the new attributes value to 1.
Select the top con and open the hypergraph.
Connect the .globalScale attr to the .scaleX .scaleY and .scaleZ of the top con.
You are connecting it to itself. This will guarantee that our stretching will work properly.
- Step 5 of the head section.
The constraint may differ depending on how close you followed joint etiquette. If you were followed it really close you made sure your eye joints don't have joint orient. In this case, my bad, this will cause the Z axis of the eye to point somewhere else but forward. For the eyes we need an axis to point forward at the eyes.
If you didn't turn the joint orient to 0's, don't worry everything is fine.
If you did, unparent the geo from the eyes. adjust the eye bind joint's joint orient around the Z or Y until you have an axis pointing forward. reparent the geo under the eyes.Then when you create the aim constraint, set the value of 1 in aim constraint in the box corresponding to the axis.
- on step 10 of the spine where it says :
Parent the fk, ik and bind spine joints together.
I meant: group the fk, ik and bind spine hierarchies together(this includes the root joints).