STEP 1: Create a curve
We are going to create a line from the knee to the anim. Lets start by creating a straight line..
Use the EP Curve tool, create -> EP curve tool. Make sure the curve degree is 1(linear) in the tool box.
This will create a linear curve. Just put the two points anywhere.
Rename the curve "left_knee_pointer_curve".
STEP 2: Create the clusters
Now we are going to create a cluster.
Clusters are useful, they are designed for easy selection of CV's and vertices.
They also make animating CV's vertices very easy.
Actually binding skin is a type of cluster.
In CV mode, select one of the CV's, go to animate menu set -> create deformer-> cluster.
Name the cluster "left_knee_pointer_start".
Create another cluster on the other side, name it "left_knee_pointer_end".
STEP 3: Constrain the Clusters
Now we will position the clusters.
Select the lowerLeg ik joint and then the start cluster.
Create a point constraint, constraint -> point -> options.
Make sure maintain offset is off.
Select the knee anim then the end cluster.
Then create another point constrain (g).
Now there should be a line from your knee to your anim.
STEP 4: Finish up the knee and foot details
Select the knee curve. Now if you template the curve the animator can't accidently select it.
Display -> object display -> template.
Group the clusters and the knee pointer curve together.
Rename the group, "left_knee_pointer_grp".
Group the pointer grp, the foot anim, and the knee anim together, rename the group, "left_leg_anim_grp".
Place the left_leg_anim_grp, under the anims_grp.
Last but not least create the poleVector constraint.
Select the knee anim then the left_leg_ik and create a pole vector constraint.
Hide the clusters, and the left_heel_piv.
STEP 4: Fix attrs
Select the foot anim.
Lock and hide the scales and visibility.
Select the attrs -> right click -> lock and hide selected.
Lock and hide the rotates, scales and visibility of the knee_anim.