STEP 1: top con fix
The top con still has a porblem with it's attrs.
Hide the scale attribute but don't lock them.
Add an attribute to the top con called "globalScale", make it a float.
Set the new attributes value to 1.
Select the top con and open the hypergraph.
Connect the .scale attr to the .scaleX .scaleY and .scaleZ of the top con.
You are connecting it to itself. This will garentee that our stretching will work properly.
STEP 2: double translation fix
As we move the top con alot of stuff moves twice as far as we translate.
This is called double translate, lets start with this problem.
It is always fun to try an figure out where the problem exists, but I will tell you.
There is a problem with the spine ik curve.
The spine_ik_curve moves the joints.
The joints themselves also move the joints.
This cause double translation.
Select the spine_ik curve, in the attibute editor go to the spine_ik_curve tab, and uncheck inherits transforms.
Now the spine will only move by the joints.
STEP 3: stretchy fix
As we use the global scale attribute alot goes wrong in ik modes.
Lets start with the stretch of the spine.
Create a multiply and divide node.
Rename it spine_stretch_global_scale.
Set the operation to divide.
Connect .gobalScale from the top_con into the input2X.
Connect the .outputX of spine_stretch_ratio to the input1X.
Connect the .outputX of the spine_stretch_global scale to the .firstTerm of the spine_stretch_condition.
Connect the .outputX of the spine_stretch_global scale to the .colorIfTureR of the spine_stretch_condition.
This acts like a inbetween the ratio and the conditions.
Rinse and repeat for the legs.
STEP 4: Bind skin.
It has become that time were we can bind the skin.
Select all the bind joints.
Easy way to select them all is by typing: select "*_bind_joint";, into the command line, this is where a nice naming convention pays off.
Select the body under the mime_hi grp.
Animation menu set -> bind skin -> smooth bind. default options are fine.
Also bind the eyes and hat to their repectable joints.
STEP 5: Double transfroms revisited.
Now if we move the top con.
The new skin double transforms.
The joints move the geometry as well as the geometry itself.
Select the mesh_grp.
Uncheck_inherits transforms.
Now only the joints move the skin.
STEP 6: Layers
We should create some layers to help with the animator.
Create 5 new layers. In the layers menu, below the channelbox ->layers -> create new layer.
Name them: high_poly, low_poly, left_anims, center_anims, right_anims.
Assign the mime_hi group the high_poly layer.
Assign all the lowPoly geometry to the low poly, type: Select "*_lowPoly_mesh"; in the command line for easy selection.
Assign all the spine, head, neck, both_eye_anim, jaw anims to the center_anims.
Assign all the fk and ik left arm and leg anims to the left_anims.
Assign all the fk and ik right arm and leg anims to the right_anims.
Turn the lowPoly and HighPoly layers on Reference(R).
STEP 7: Weight Paint
Last but not least give the guy a nice once over with the weight paint tool.