By Daniel Dahlquist and Kendal Sager - CSE 459 - Winter 2008
Creating an Animatic
Preparing an Animatic File
- Save a copy of the animatic base set from
into the shot folder that you are working on (if I am working on intro_100, I should save a copy in \\ntdfs\cs\unix\projects\instr\production2\preproduction\animatic\animatic_shots\01_intro\intro_100)
- Rename your file correctly: Example "Copy of" gets renamed to ""
- Check your animation settings are set to NTSC 30 fps) (it's in Window>Settings/Preferences, Settings Tab)
- Make a camera named after your shot (Example: intro_100)
- Adjust your Camera Settings. Make the overscan 1.000. Select the camera, hit ctrl+a to go to the attribute editor, under the Display Options tab and change the overscan.
- Adjust your Panel settings. Turn on safe action and the resolution gate. In your panel (the window where you work with maya) go to View > Camera Settings > Safe Action and View > Camera Settings > Resolution Gate.
- Adjust your Render Settings. Image Settings> Presets should be Custom, Width 864, Height 480, Pixel Aspect Ratio 1.0 (These settings are for in-class previews only. Actual shots for the film will later be rendered at 720x480 with a 1.2 aspect ratio)
Animating an Animatic File
- Make sure that you animate your animatic according to the story reel (the latest version will always be here: \\ntdfs\cs\unix\projects\instr\production2\preproduction\story_reel\ The timing should be roughly the same. If you are confused, look at the beatsheet on the wiki (
Playblasting an Animatic File
- Before playblasting, make sure that annoying curves, controls and anything else are hidden and that nothing is selected.
- Set your playblast settings in Window > Playblast option box: Uncheck show ornaments. Display size from render settings. And be sure to save to file.
- Put the playblast in your shot folder. For example: \\ntdfs\cs\unix\projects\instr\production2\preproduction\animatic\animatic_shots\01_intro\intro_100\intro_100.avi