Advanced Rigging

Script Set-Up


These scripts are slightly modified versions of the master class scripts written by Jason Schleifer for SIGGRAPH 2006.


  1. Download the scripts, shelves, and icons from the assignment page.
  2. Go to the My Documents folder and open the "maya" folder.
  3. Copy the script files (there should be many scripts zipped together in the download, all are of type .mel) to the My Documents\maya\scripts folder.
  4. Copy the shelf file (shelf_Rigging.mel) to the My Documents\maya\2008\prefs\shelves folder.
  5. Copy the icon files (there should be many images zipped together in the download, all are of type .bmp) to the My Documents\maya\2008\prefs\icons folder.

Finishing Up

Once you have put all of the files in the correct places, open maya. If you already have maya open, you will have to restart it. When you open maya, there should be a new shelf called "Rigging" and you should see the pictures of the icons that you placed in the folder. If something doesn't look right, make sure you get a TA to help you, the tutorial requires you to have these scripts working correctly.

When your scripts are set up correctly, move on to the torso tutorial.