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Weekly Reports


EACH production group is required to send in a progress report every Sunday before midnight.

The group needs to select a person to collect the information, format it and send it on. This is required and will affect your grade.


The report needs:

o       one general statement about how the group is doing,

o       a list of each student that includes

·        the student name,

·        the tasks that they have been working on,

·        what has been accomplished,

·        how it moves the group closer to their goals/mission, and

·        what their plans are for the following week.

o       The end of the report might indicate

·        what information they are waiting for from another group or groups,

·        what that is, and

·        what they are doing about it.


Three or four complete sentences should do.



Story / Reference / Concept Art Team
Storyboard / Story Reel
Animatics Group

Modeling / Rigging




Reference/ Concept Art Team  [top]
-Barbara Mones
-Jesse Miller

-Eliana Medina

-David Pierce

-Michael Lim

-Mike Hanson


Meeting times: Monday 3:30 PM

- We will present three possibilities for the setting in class Tuesday

the 18th and put it to a vote.

- On Thursday the 20th we will present rough characters to be evaluated

by everyone else.

- On Wednesday the 26th final characters will be established, using

input gathered from our presentation on the 20th and Saturday's story

session to be presented on Thursday the 27th.

- We will have clay characters built on Monday the 31st and present

them on February 1st.

- Our final important step, the overall look and feel of the short will

be worked out incrementally as we complete our tasks and we plan to

have it done on February 7th.


This plan will allow a lot of leeway for revising and changing things

after the fact. We feel the sooner we have something down, the more we

can refine and perfect it as the quarter goes on. This will give the

other groups what they need, so they can get started quickly.

Storyboard / Story reel  [top]
-Barbara Mones
-Irene Yi
Group Members:

Kira Lehtomaki

Sopon Supamangmee

Adrien Ferrer

Michael Lim

Meeting Times: Monday 6 PM, Friday 3:30 PM

Our Goal: Finish the storyboard bible - complete with thumbnails,

iterations of the storyboard, the motion bible, and anything else that

would be useful.


Schedule: Adrain will com up the layout for the story by the next story

session, we will also have a better idea for what will be coming up after




Adrien - Layout man who is also the liason to the animatics group

Kira, Michael, Sopon - main artist for the storyboard (detail and shading)
Animatics Group   [top]
Barbara Mones
Nick Poplaski
Group Members:

Jon Fuchs

Geoff Amos

Ryan Sluman

Camden Davis


Meeting times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, immediately after class.




The modeling group will make their first set of models by January 24th.

  These models will be extremely basic, composed entirely out of

primitives, and parented into a simple skeleton.  This will enable a

quick delivery, ensure a fast render time, and help us focus on timing

more than detailed character animation.





January 13-January 24: Set schedules with other groups and start rough

models that we will not get from Modeling group.

January 24: Use materials from other groups to start animatic

February 15: First complete rough Animatic complete

February 15-March 14: Iteratively refine animatic based on updated


March 14: Complete final animatic





Ryan - Story group

Camden - Modeling group

Jon - Concept Art group



Future progress report schedule:


Jan 23: Ryan

Jan 30: Jon

Feb  6: Geoff

Feb 13: Camden

Feb 20: Ryan

Feb 27: Jon

Mar  6: Geoff

Mar 13: Camden



Questions for other groups still unanswered:


When can we expect the first storyboards?

What scale (maya unit to real life) will we use in our animation?

Modeling / Rigging   [top]
Barbara Mones
Dean Halford
Group Members:

David Lewis

Matthew Milcic

Loren Merritt

Patrick Clark

Satria Krisnandi

Dane Barney


Meeting Times: TBA 

Current as of 16-Jan.




1) Deliver standin models to animatics team with sufficient detail and rigging to be used for animatics.

2) Deliver the following complete, unpainted models to the class for signature shots:

·                     60 yr old main character

·                     80 yr old main character

·                     Bird (pigeon?)

·                     Adult male extra

·                     Adult female extra

·                     Child male extra

·                     Child female extra

3) Deliver full rigs and blend shapes on two main characters as required by story

4) Deliver rig sufficient to meet story requirements for birds

5) Deliver rigs for extras sufficient to meet story requirements

6) Deliver enough variability on the extras so we get realistic crowds




  Jan 23rd - Deliver rigged standin models to the animatics team

  Mar 3rd - Deliver complete rigged models to class for signature shots


Questions for Other Teams

  Who's doing shading?

  What kind of hair motion do we need?  Do we need dynamic hair, or can they just be fixed (like a beehive, etc.)?

  What facial expressions do we need?

  Speech and lip sync - do we need it? What are the requirements?

  Cloth - what kind of movement do we need here?  Do we need full dynamic cloth?

  Maquettes - Who's doing them?


Research questions

   1) What's the best way to manage and control the hairstyles, clothing (style and color), and sizes of the passers-by models?

   2) How do we do morph targets for facial expressions?

   3) How does cloth work for the clothes? Investigate Maya Cloth.

   4) For the passers by, if we have scale parameters that modify height, etc. what effect does that have on the animations?

       How do we have a single walk-cycle animation that can be applied to skeletons that are different sizes?

   5) Flocking behavior for the birds? What requirements does this drive onto the rigs?

   6) How are we going to paint our models? 3D-paint or textures with UV mapping? What requirements does this drive onto the models?


  We also need to decide what surface type we'll be using for our models: polygons, NURBS, or subd's



·                     David L - Get research questions doled out via e-mail.

·                     Dane B - Ambasse (the act of being an ambassador) to the concept art team

·                     David L (w/ Patrick C) - Research question #4

·                     Satria K (w/ Patrick C) - Research question #2

·                     Patrick C - Research question #1

·                     Matthew M - Research question #5

·                     Loren M - Research question #3, research question #6