20 years
Good health
Strong, has to help the master lifting things
- Floaty
- Lots of secondary motion
Voice: slow, light, sometimes doesn’t finish his sentence because he can’t remember how it started
- Depends on situation, extroverted mostly
- Not much of a thinker, he likes to explore things on a practical level
- Doesn’t plan ahead very well. Finishes work last minute even if there was a plan made by the master
- Likes open ended ness but not to the point that it’s messy
- Doesn’t like numbers except in sports scores
- Likes new ideas
- Likes to explore new things
- Doesn’t like strict rules but doesn’t necessarily disobey them. He learned to accept rules to a certain level.
- Curious
- Explores ideas as they come to him
Status in society:
Apprentice, master pays enough for living, master takes care of him, lives in a room in the masters house.
Not married, no kids.
Jazz, Rock, Rap (freestyle)
Food: Pizza and ice cream is what likes
- Work clothes but more colorful than the master. Accessories that are not necessary for his job.
- Likes to borrow clothes from other apprentices
Comic books (When the master is around he pretends to read about glass art but hides a comic book behind the glass book. Master thinks comics are a waste of time)
- His own paintings, drawings on the wall
- Sketches and concept art for glass pieces he would like to create
- Basketball (or whatever the equivalent in our world is) posters
- Big window
- Dresser
- Bed couch
- Tools for drawing / painting
- Bright colors
No. The master does not allow it. He would love to have that one special parrot they sell at the pet shop…
Secret dream/desire/fantasy:
Wants to have his own glass shop where he can create all the glass pieces he wants.
Best part: Enjoys working with glass
Worst part: Doesn’t like the master’s strict rules about how to create glass art
- Wants to be more creative
- Knows that his master is the best glass blower of his time but thinks he’s wasting his talent by creating the same piece over and over again.
Relationship to master:
- Has a lot of respect for the master
- Feels sorry for the master because he is living in such a restricted world
- Wants to convince him that creativity is important but doesn’t know how to do that.
Likes to hang out with the other apprentices in town. Likes to go out. Every Friday night he, his girlfriend and the other apprentices are sneaking into the local ballroom, where the barkeeper apprentice opens the bathroom window for them to climb in.
Most triumphant moment:
Finishing his first own piece (in the movie)
Galileo Galilei
Draws, paints. Likes to read his comic books. Hanging out with friends…
What does he want people to think about him?
- Wants to be respected for his own artwork and not for making perfect copies of the master’s piece.
- He is an artist who puts lots of effort, creativity and passion into his work.
- Wants the master to think that it’s ok to try new things every once in a while
Immediate goals:
What’s going on after work / on the weekend?
- Dating the baker’ daughter Gwendell, age 18
- She supports him and thinks he’s right about creating his own work
- She’s working at her fathers shop who supports and encourages her to try new recipes/shapes/colors….
Favorite clothing/accessory:
- Hair comb (keeps it in his back pocket)
- Birthday present: colorful shirt with “Glassmaster Wendell” nametag on it… He’s going to wear it for the grand opening of his own shop
Most irritating to this person:
Most intriguing to this person:
Visual art of any kind, exploring possibilities
What he spends time ruminating on:
Nothing really, he’s the type of guy who doesn’t care much about theory, he likes to try different things to make his own experience.
How does he respond/what triggers that response?
- when angry: verbally
- what makes him angry:
o master doesn’t accept him as an artist
o when he was walking around all day and in the evening he recognizes that his hair was out of place all day
- when attracted: Tries to memorize it and draws/paints it
- What does he find attractive: girls, color, interesting shapes
- What scares him: Being blind, but he does not actively think about it.
- What makes him feel desperate: Going slowly, when nothing new happens and every day is the same…