general | Comet
Cartoons - a good general site with some 3D animation tutorials
that's good to look through.
Ollie List - a list for the aspiring animator to follow Demo Reel - some example of creating demo reels cg-char.com - a resource for the 3D animator. The FAQ list is compiled by the same person who maintains Comet Cartoons. highend3D - another 3D animator's resource |
lip sync | Comet
Cartoons Lipsyncing - steps on how to do a lip sync
Anibyte.com - check out "facial_exercise.mpg". This is an example of good facial expression and lip sync. LIPSinc - some examples of bad lip syncing. The anibyte.com example not only has the character's mouth moving as if it is saying the words but also has facial expressions that correlate with the emotions of the character and the conversation going on. The characters on LIPSinc, on the other hand, don't have too many facial expressions besides eyes blinking and eyebrows moving. The mouth movements are primarily opening and closing of the lips and don't really seem to be pronouncing words spoken.