Example shaders

These examples are all from chapter 16 of The RenderMan Companion and are available in /usr/local/prman/tutorial/ch16.

Surface shaders

(shaders not shown rely on texture images)

shader length
blue_marble.sl 79
bulb.sl 19
checker.sl 31
constant.sl 11
easysurface.sl 19
eroded.sl 34
filament.sl 23
glass.sl 16
gouge.sl 19
granite.sl 18
matte.sl 13
metal.sl 17
pin_color.sl 111
plastic.sl 18
rubber.sl 23
screen.sl 26
sdixon.sl 36
sferrule.sl 48
shiny.sl 27
show_st.sl 11
show_xyz.sl 31
threads.sl 27
txtplastic.sl 25
windowhighlight.sl 89
wire.sl 30
wood.sl 49